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I'm a shy guy who's at a loss for words.

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hey buddy, listen, honestly, if what ur trying to achieve is to talk to a girl, all you have to do....is to treat them just like any other human being. Talk to them like how you talk to one of you guy friends....they are out there to make friends too. Keep in mind they might honestly just feel the same way towards you.....shy but want to carry out a conversation....


just be confident, and dont get discouraged at any sort of rejections, it happens to EVERYONE. I am sure u r a very amazing person, so just be yourself, and things will fall in place on their own, believe me.

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You seem like a nice, interesting person. You can say 'hi' no problem, and obviously aren't invisible to people.


Are you involved in any sports or activities that are co-ed? I would suggest mixing it up with people your own age as much as possible, in as many settings as you can.

Plus, if you are involved in an activity where there are girls, you will have something to talk about past casual chit-chat. You'll have a common interest.


That really is the ticket. Find some common ground. If you don't have any: try building some. But there is usually something in common if you look.


There are a lot of shy people in the world, and there are others who are in the same situation as you. Not everyone grows up with sibs. You've developed some aspects about yourself that will be appealling to others bc they haven't got it yet: Like you learning to cook! That is really cool.

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2) Feel hot. -do whatever it takes to build up that confidence. Get high. Drink some before school. Dress hot, not plain. Go skater, go punk, go surfer. But get high and drink, in moderation.


I guaruntee after you master this, you will overcome being shy, saying more than one word answers, and being able to walk up to people and talk to them.


I absolutely DO NOT agree with that.


DON'T get high or get drunk to deal with your problems because I will guarantee YOU that you will not make things better but end up as some drunken lush at school and will be avoided as some sad drunk freak who can't get a grip on life and you will be on a slippery slope to NOWHERE.


It will do NOTHING for your confidence, and you will be on the way to becoming an alcohlic very quickly if you use alcohol to help you forget or deal with problems in your life.


I'm sorry but it's the worst piece of advice I have EVER seen on this site.

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WOW bro! First I want to say that you are VERY articulate for someone your age! I'm involved in High School Sports as a coach for wrestling, and most wrestlers have pretty decent GPA's but FEW of them are articulate when posting messages on wrestling forums. Just wanted to compliment you there.


Anyways, if I were to advise you, I could spend ALL DAY posting stuff. Instead, I am going to refer you to a few places that will help you understand the dating game better. Especially women. Read the link provided in my signiture for starters. It is something I compiled after a lot of work in the dating scene.


Second, go to link removed and utilize there forums and articles anytime you have questions.


Also, link removed has a lot of interesting articles, especially the ones by Doc Love. Sounds silly, but this was the place I began my journey of changing my fortunes with dating.


Knowledge is power, so arm yourself.

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well I think you should feel confident but don't drink to get confident.. because it won't work. Go to gym instead and start feeling good about yourself.


Geez, I go to the gym a lot and have six pack abs and get attention from women for my looks, but it doesn't help one bit for my conversational skills when I really like a girl. I


'm hopeless at that, know it, and it is a catch 22 as the lack of confidence makes me worse at it which in turn builds the lack of confidence, vicious circle.

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monsieur, forget the abs, human being has good enough abs without work out. Just get rid of fat and you'll see them. Focus on legs and back, I say, that's what people usually need They obsess with arms, chest and abs and grow them overproportioned


Dunno about you but I feel good when I look good. When I feel good I feel confident and I'm more relaxed when talking to a girl I like.

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