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Worrying about response and how to handle it from here

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Hi guys, please read my last posting just to refresh your memories.. this post is about the letter i sent somewhere in the middle of the posting...




It has been a few days since i snet that email.. i am not expecting to hear back from her until mondayish..... she is away on vacation from her orphanage ( she is in india volunteering for 2 months and than backpacking with a friend for 4, plans made before we started dating)


I have been worrying tons how she will take what i wrote an how she will respond..... is this something that will upset her major? what this upset you guys?? i cant stop worrying about whats going ot happen and how to deal with it from here but i wanted to be honest.


Please help



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I can imagine that it must be hard for you not to be able to receive any news from your girlfriend for days in a row. From what you told us about her, she seems like a very nice and smart girl. I am sure that she will perceive your e-mail the way it was intended. Don't worry about it, and - for the love of God ;-) - do not go and ask her to reassure you that she was really ok with you sending such an e-mail, that she is not upset over it etc.


The night when she offered you the option to break up for 6 months, I think she did it because she is a responsable and a caring person and she did not want to make you sit around waiting for her all that time, especially considering that you only met so recently. She probably felt that she did not have the right to claim you. So she gave you the freedom to break up if you wanted. It probably took her quite some courage to do that, because suppose that you would indeed have taken that way out...? She probably would have felt heart broken over it... But luckily you made the right decision and now you already have plans to visit her in India!


This girl brings love and adventure to your life. From what I can see, she is the stronger person in the relationship. Let her be who she is and feel free to cry in her arms and to look for reassurance from time to time (like you did in your e-mail). But don't forget to also be the man that she can rely on!

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THanks so much Lisica.... that post made me feel so good and happy and gave me some hope.... i know deep down she is the amazing girl i fell in love with.... it just will take some time to get used to her being gone and realizing that although im still here in my same life and routine and its still ultra intense for me... she is miles and miles away and her whole life is different for these next few months until she returnes and although her feelings for me wont change, it just may be a little less intense for her..

and i cant take it personally


No Email response yet and its monday morning ( monday night for her when she said she would be returning from her vacation) I hope i hear from her soon.... waiting anxiously!!!! so scared!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frankly, I'd cut her loose. You should never be scared of hearing from your loved one. I was in the same position as you in the past. Your girlfriend may truly love you, but you may need something else... which doesnt mean either of you are wrong. I am very happy to see that guys can feel the same way girls can. It's refreshing. Now, you deserve a girl who is anxiously awaitng your email! But, as I know, we all must live and learn. I really hope you get good news from her.

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