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Feel like the worst child ever!

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My sister came to my office today to talk to the lawyers that originally helped my mother write her will and all before she passed. It's been 7 months and now my sister decided it was finally time to inform me of a part in my mom's will involving me. I get 2500 less than my brother and sister because of my college expenses, but I really don't think that is the reason. My sister's college cost way more than that, and my mom paid it all, so really I feel the reason she did that was because I left. And it just makes me feel like my mother was so hurt by what I did that she had to put it forever in stone on a legal document. I feel really horrible right now and I know my thinking is rash. I feel like I don't deserve any of the money and I just feel so poorly towards myself. But I'm also angry. Why did my family wait 7 months to tell me that this was part of the will. I'm so lost... I can feel my depression sinking back in and I don't want to be like this at work...

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I'm sorry to hear of your mother's passing,

At this point, you can't change the past. You may never know if that was the real reason or not, but don't let it get you down. Life is about learning, and it may help you see how important caring for your family is. Grow stronger with them, they will always be your family.


Hating yourself at this point is useless, and it won't accomplish anything. Try to grow close to your family, they will give you comfort in time, and when they do, it will be comfort like no other.



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