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How do you celebrate your anniversaries?

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So tomorrow is my 6 month anniversary with my SO. Usually in past relationships I only celebrate if a year goes by, but it was important to him we celebrate it. Anyhow, we decided not to celebrate until next month along with hiw birthday. Although this is the fact I would like to still surprise him with something memorable.


So my quesiton is how did you celebrate your past anniversaries?

Any sugguestions for mine?


He is 22, I am 21 if that helps

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Hmm...I don't know you guys, but things like making a photo/scrapbook in a notebook of stuff you really like about him/the highlights of the last 6 months could work. Or a framed photo of you both. Organise a daytrip somewhere, or maybe including where you went on your first date?


I had a 6 month one a few weeks ago..we went to the zoo for the day and out to a noodlebar and also (next day) to the place we had our first date together. Awwww. Dont forget the romantic side of the evening as well..hehe

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  • 2 weeks later...

I HOPE we will celebrate our Year anniversary but when our six month one passed the other week, we were in the pub and my boyfriend said to me "Hey babe, six months today!!" and I said "What?" and he said "Me and you?" and I was like, *scratches head, sips pint* "oh god! is it really?" he looked wounded for about a second but then he saw the funny side, we hadnt even noticed what day it was!


I think its sweet you want to celebrate, I think a nice meal, maybe you could cook for him? and tell him to bring the wine, it doesnt have to be a big flashy expensive thing. Wait til you have been together a year before you do that.


I may be talking through a past experience.. I named a star (thought it would be romantic) for someone I was with and loved for our aniversary and he dumped me two weeks later! lol!!

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