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Never Thought I Would Post In This Section....

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for those who followed my story.....




that was the last encounter with the ex....


she did end up calling...and msging over MSN...and then call my roomate cuz i didn't pick up nor reply on MSN....so she showed up at my house and waited for me to get home....


long story short, through my roommate (my bestfriend), i found out she wants to rekindle our relationship....shes calling me tomorrow night to meet up for a drink before she goes on her trip on sunday....


any advice guys??? what should i be doing....i kno i shouldn't be too available right away...what else should i know?

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for those who followed my story.....




that was the last encounter with the ex....


she did end up calling...and msging over MSN...and then call my roomate cuz i didn't pick up nor reply on MSN....so she showed up at my house and waited for me to get home....


long story short, through my roommate (my bestfriend), i found out she wants to rekindle our relationship....shes calling me tomorrow night to meet up for a drink before she goes on her trip on sunday....


any advice guys??? what should i be doing....i kno i shouldn't be too available right away...what else should i know?


I'd say agree to meet up when she calls, be extremely friendly and happy throughout the date. Dont bring up relationship unless she does, let her talk about herself, say a lil about urself. She'll probably have a ton of questions wondering how u lost all that weight and all that. Brush it off and smile. Regardless take it slow, even if she does suggest rekindling, make sure u know what ur going into, and that whatever caused u guys to separate in the past is eventually discussed. It sounds exciting, but tred slowly.

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hey guys, thanks for the input


well bobo, she broke up with me a month and 18 days ago...has been NC all this time. she broke it off becuz she felt she was too dependent on me and was scared and upset that at age 21 she couldn't live a day without me (or something like that)....but the one thing that caught me the most was that she said she wasn't 100% there with me love wise....but what she told my roommate yesterday was that she never fell out of love with me, she couldn't see herself loving another guy (she hasn't been seeing another guy or anything)....and she felt that altho she broke my heart, this "break" was needed in order to get both of our lives back on track (we were both going thro extremely stressful stuff during the breakup)....


i am definitly preceeding this with caution....i am really scared to put myself on the line again, i mean i keep thinking to myself....what if she's just lonely right now??? should i ask her that up front tonight by the way? i dont want to play games with her, i want to get back with her....but i mean i really dont know whats the best way to go about this....and another question i dunno if i should ask her......is that if she has hooked up (kiss, makeout...sex? etc) with any guys during this whole time........


pls pls pls give me suggestions and advice guys!!!!! really appreciate it

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i avoided her call becuz i have an exam today....and i didn't want to be emotionally invested before an exam....and at the same time...altho i didn't want to play games, i did want to see if she *meant* it when she wanted to get in contact.....u kno? so i was basically protecting myself in a sense....and when she waited for me at my house, it proved to me that she wanted to get in contact badly enough for me to let the establishment happen

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In this situation, you have to be completely over this person and start this relationship like this is a brand new relationship. If you're still concerned about her breaking your heart again, I don't think it's the best time for you to want to get involved with her...yet.

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