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Book Talk

christian carter


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  • 1 year later...

I first bought his e-book and really liked it. Then I bought his dating and relationship CD's which I get a new one monthly, for just $20. They are wonderful and so helpful to anyone wanting to understand dating and men and how to improve oneself/outlook and really feel on top of things etc.. I was so impressed and in need of knowlegde in this area that I bought his CD set "Natuarl and Lasting Attraction". I'm really enjoying it and learining a lot. I would recommend his stuff highly. His staff is very good at replying and answering questions too. You really have to purchase his work yourself, it's worth the money. I do wish I had it in paperback though. For me I like to have the book so I can take it with me and read.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Not to dredge up an old thread, but after reading this review of link removed I went ahead and downloaded the book. I'm about halfway though it and am impressed! It has a lot of common-sense info, but it's nice to read a relationship expert confirm a lot of the things I've learned about relationships the hard way over the years.


Wish I would have had this info fifteen years ago, lol...I would have been dangerous. Lookout men!


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  • 3 months later...

i downloaded the e-book for free. I found it a great read but I'm not sure that it benefited me really. The weekly e-mails are pretty good. But they always disappoint me at the end of the read. Whenever I think I'm going to finally get the answer I need I'm only recommended to buy one of his many programs.... What I would love to know is if anyone has seen his "From Casual to Committed" program. And can you please share the vital steps for bringing your relationship from casual to a loving committing relationship. As Christian says if a relationship is not growing then it is dying and so i'm dying to know what they are...

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  • 2 months later...

Could anyone provide a little bit more detail?


It is very difficult to get his stuff here in Germany and I doubt I'm able to understand "american english". I've read the free version of his ebook, which made me curious. I get his newsletters and think he analizes quite well stringing along to purchase his products.


What does he mean with "Communication Secrets"? Are they really so special? Or where can I find similar stuff, like "feather" wrote I like to have a book in my hands.


Thanks in advance for sharing more about his material.




PS.: English is not my mothertongue. Please correct me, if I wrote something "funny".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm just curious. There are over 5000 hits for this book, and only 8 replies. Is there something about this book that nobody wants to discuss about?


Hi Creative,


exactly!!! That's what makes me wonder, too!


Carter claims he helped thousands of women. Where are they? Why don't they tell anything about their experiences?

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