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ASked to talk

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alright, so just a question to the ladies (and gentlemen you guys are always more then welcome to answer as well, I just like to here the women's perspective).


If a guy friend were to ask to talk to you in private, what would you make of that? and I know this sounds really vague right now, but as the answers come, i'll try to be more specific with this 'hypothetical' *cough* situation

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Well Jordan - as a girl - I have to say...yes, this is very vague.


It would TOTALLY depend on the guy & the place


Were you in the opera house and didn't want to be rude?


I have no idea what I would be thinking. In general, I guess if he's a friend, I would be wondering what he wanted to talk about and would hope eveything was ok with him.


So....*cough* up some more details...

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It depends on the time and place. If you asked in a group of friends I would think I made a social faux pas or you needed to let me know something about you, me, or someone in the group. If you asked me in class or at work one day when there are not a lot of people around or by email I would think you have a secret to tell me or something important to say or maybe a date(?).

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What you are trying to say is that you are interested in this person and are curious if asking this person to chat privately gives away your interest. Am I right?


If so, I just want to say that this is not a good way of doing things. For one, chatting over IM, chat, email, or phone too much leads to friendzone. Two, yes it probably does hint of your interest. Three, it makes you look pretty weak to hold back instead of just stepping up and asking the person out. Four, if you are interested, being discreet about your interest leads to friendzone. It is best to be OBVIOUS about your feelings, and ask the person out for coffee or dinner.

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