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He's a Liar and a Cheater...Why Am I Still W/ Him?!

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Basically, my boyfriend and I have a LDR, and I broke up with him about a month ago because he flat out cheated on me and he wasn't really committed to ONLY me, a week later, I'm back with him because I fell for him again because he basically sweet talke dhis way back to me, which was a big mistake.


We've been together for those 3 weeks and I have flat out evidence that he's cheating on me because my friend sent me pictures and letters that he writes to her. I cannot just be a girl on hold or a spare...he either loves me or not, and I love him, but I can't keep getting hurt like this....


I NEED to break up with him again and get him out of my life, but why is this so hard?!?!

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What's his email address? I'll do it for you


Kidding aside, just DO IT. When I broke up with my ex, which was also a LDR, I postponed it a lot. It was comfortable with him around. It was an absolute, he was always there for me to talk to. How would I go on without having my safety net?


So we were just talking, one thing led to another, and I broke it off with him. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and just forced the words out. Best thing I ever did.


You deserve much better. The sooner you break up with him, the sooner you can begin to heal.

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Its hard for you to let go because your attached, i know the feeling. Your probably uncertain of whats going to happen once hes out of your life. Believe me, you can do alot better, i know in the end you'll make your own decision but its better to hurt n cry now and heal really soon rather then to keep hurting and crying for God nows how long.

You WILL find a better guy out there eventually, i've seen it with my own eyes it has happened to a number of friends. Believe in yourself, tell yourself you are too good to be treated this way, if you keep letting him do this to you he wont stop. You've given him too much power, he knows he can get away with hurting you and nothing will stop him..not unless he wants to stop.


Goodluck hun, i know your hurting right now but believe me you should get rid of this jerk as soon as you can. Go out with your friends and enjoy some time being single.

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