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Friendzone.. or am I?

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Ok this is just kind of a random dillema, that a female perspective might be able to help me make sense of.


Long story short, I had been friends for some time with this girl, asked her on a date then she avoided me for a week and finally gave me the "don't want to jeopardize our friendship" thing.


Well.. I've just been noticing.. that she has been "dolling up" alot more then usual.. mostly on nights shes just planning to hang out with me and a mutual friend (female). I don't know.. it just seems weird.. wouldn't you just opt for au natural and fuzzy pajama pants.. if your going to be hanging out with friends in one of your rooms?


Just something stupid that has been bugging me.. curious to hear thoughts on it.

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That's a pretty big cue that's she's trying to get some attention.


Women use clothes to communicate, I've noticed. We use all sorts of ways to communicate. We are annoying creatures sometimes.


But, yeah, that's pretty common.


Sometimes too I've noticed girls dolling up to 'get back' at men. Like "look at how gorgeous i am and you can't have it'

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Sometimes it's nice to feel that someone likes you, she may not want your feelings for her to go, she might be worried that if you lose interest in her in a dating type of way then she may feel you will lose interest as a friend. I dunno just a thought.

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She's making an effort because YOU FANCY HER and doesn't want to be seen in pyjamas etc but it doesn't mean she wants more. Women can be quite vain and like looking sexy when they know someone is interested in them, even if it is to hang around.

If you're still looking for more...Back off a while, let her miss you. Give her the space to think about 'what if you met someone else, what if you're moving on and what if she misses the chance'.

If she don't miss you, she's lost nothing, she will have exactly what she wants and thats you as her friend and she will carry on being your friend as long as you let her.

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hmm, yeah thats gonna be a little hard with the going to vegas with her plan.. but maybe since were both graduating and going separate ways.. it will clue me in.


The place i hope to be working is between both of these friends.. and she made some comment about "well your in the middle so we'll meet at your place and cook.. and you'll like it" sigh.. why can't their just be neon freaking signs for this sort of thing thx for the feedback, i'll just assume for now that she is just playing up the being wanted part and not changing her mind

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