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I can't help but feel that everyday the sanctity of love is fighting a losing battle against opportunity. People are so quick to tell you they "love" you. And these same people are so quick to violate your trust for thier own self-interest.


I have dated so many girls during my short existence. More then i can remember. Some of them are small blips in my fading memories. Some of them i cared for deeply, and i would still try to help them if they needed anything. But only two of them ever heard me utter the words "I love you". And both of these girls "loved" me back. Notice the past tense.


When my relationsips ended with these women, i would have done anything i could to save what was left and start again. But on the other hand, they both were completely ready to never be with me again. So whats the deal?


When i tell somebody i am in love with them, it means i will try my best to keep us together and not let anything come between us. My interest in them may vary in time, but i still want them with me. How can someone be able to walk away from the one person who knows them better then anyone? The one person who will, without fail, be there for them. The one person who they have spent most of thier time with for years. The one person they claim to love. How could they do this, without looking back?

Is this what love is?

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Marry me. lol jk


You are soo right, in these days people don't put up with any trouble, if the other person makes a mistake or something they don't like, they just break up & move on. And they say the "love" word to the next person they meet, and it all starts over, a never ending cycle that's destined to fail. I feel you when you say you care for those two people, I would too. On the other hand, I don't understand the people who bad mouth their exs. If their past gf/bf was that bad, why would they go out with them anyway.. I think your definition is the real "love", but the one people call "love" these days is nothing but a word. Real love is unconditional, which does not exist, the closest love to real love would be the love a mother has for her child. Other than that, it's really hard to find.. IMO.

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i loved my ex to the extent where i would give up anything in the world for him. Although he was the first one to say he loved me, i feel when i told him i loved him, it was when i truly ment it. The reason i believe my love for him is soo, is because i knew all his faults in personality and all his bad actions towards me and still forgave him and never held it against him, even now i dont.

You are right people do say it without actually meaning it. But maybe its because they feel their infactuation is the love that they feel. I know for myself i am not gona believe anyone in the future when they say they love me, cause i just dont trust others feeling for me anymore... which is on its own a sad thing...


one lost soul has created another...

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You complain about how these women told you they loved you, but when you broke up you were still prepared to do anything for them but they were ready to move on. Surely that is why they broke up with you, because they didn't really fancy you anymore. Somehow you turned them off with your unnatractive behaviour.


That doesn't mean they didn't feel strongly for you at the time of saying it.

"I love you" doesn't mean "I will stay with you no matter what". It means I feel strongly for you enough now that I am prepared to tell you I love you.

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