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im starting 2 believe all females are just crazy!!!!!!

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this girl is making me very angry she gets mad at me over the smallest things i do, and she will ignore me for atleast a week . i dont even know what i did to make her mad she wont even talk about it, im really ready to flip out, i mean im really mad but she doesnt now how mad i am.i dont understand her one day we are best friends then the next day we hate each other. what is going on. i really like her, but she is making me not even want to be her friend anymore!!

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Us women! Guys will never understand us!! lol. You should just ask her why she has bloody mood swings all the time! Tell her how you feel about it, and explain to her why it bothers you. Ask her if she can try to control it.

If she can't, then you have two choices:

1.) Leave her alone and find some1 nicer

2.) Deal with it


Good Luck

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we men,will never really understand the women, the femail brain is just to complicated for us to understand,i have this girl that i think she likes me to much,you have a girl that changes attitude really quik,its just the way of female brains to say........"hahaha you guys will never know the truth" thats just how the female brain works,we will never understand it.


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That sounds unnormal. I would leaver her. Dont get yourself worked up because of her, she is not worth it. Go after someone else and that will teach her a lesson. She might become nicer then.


In the mean time dont let her upset you, all what you have to do is walk away, or deal with it.


good luck.

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we will never get women because we give them what they want, and then they want something else. I guy is comfortable with himself. Doesn't have to rely on someone else to be happy. A guy will usually stay and fight for what he wants (not physically fight) where as usually when the tough gets going the female tends to run. Right or wrong that hs been my experience.

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I am not sure, but it sounds as if you are switching moods along with her? You said that one day you are best friends and the next day you hate each other...so I am assuming that you feelings are along with hers. Try talking to her on one of your good days and try to find out what's going on, but be careful not to blame her or she will go on the defensive and get mad at you again. Just tell her how you feel, or if it's easier, write her a letter and explain.

And for another thing, how old is she? It could just be a phase that she's going through..I went through one when I was 15. I would like a guy...I would abuse him terribly just to see how much he would put up with.

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