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Dating, Friends, Awkwardness

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I've known this guy for about 8 or 9 months. Over that time we've become really good friends. I'm 19, never dated before or anything remotely close. The guy is 21 and he's gone on 2 or 3 dates but never had a girlfriend. I really like him, and I am pretty sure he likes me. I don't know how to broach the subject though. I'm awkward about it, he's awkward about it. I don't want to do something stupid and mess up our friendship, but... you know. Haha. Any advice?

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try and spend more and more time together


whenever the situation makes it appropriate, try to increase the 'touching' part of the relationship, like when it feels natural to touch his arm, do it.... more and more it will get more and more natural, until the time is right for caressing etc.

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Sounds pretty great.


Are the two of you presently comfy with touching each other...like hugs, casual touching, that sort of thing?


You might try something that allows you to back out gently if you get a friendship response, like " If I asked you out on a date, what would you think about that?" (flirty smile). He'll probably laugh or something, and either say something flirty back or pull back. You don't have to say exactly that, but you can begin flirting more and letting him know that you have an interest in him.


I doubt your friendship will be rocked too hard with a gentle approach.


Ya just gotta take risks, baby

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