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She's leaving for college

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Ok, so I've got a pretty big problem, I've known this girl for about 5 years now. Just recently in the past year or so I've become attracted to her. I think I'm in love with her, maybe I am, maybe I'm not. After being friends for almost 4 years last summer, we finally kissed ( I kissed her), I didn't think she'd return the feelings but then a week later she kissed me. I nmy eyes she's perfect, I'd marry her. I wanted a relationship but she didn't, I've been been completley head over heels for her for a year now, I've seen her go through boy friends and each new one hurts more than the last. And she leads me on, she'll be flirty with me but I don't know if she's just being friendly. She'll lead me on, then she'll pull away when I try to get close, and she'll start to talk about other guys indirectly. It hurts me, I want to be with her. Should I give her an ultimatum? I can't get over her, I can't move on. Someone please help

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The problem is I know as much about her as she'll let out, she's very hidden, no one knows what she feels, not her best friends, not her family and certainly not me. And also, I've already tried to start a relationship with her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

im in the same boat. im going to college in my hometown and shes leaving for another college. ive known this girl for 4 years and weve always had like a love hate relationship, and ivhad a crush on her since freshman year, and even when i was with other people. recently though weve become the closest of friends and it sucks cause shes leaving in like a week and i know we wont be anything more than friends. she tells me anything and everything, and i tell her everything except the fact that i am crazy about her. and i dont know what to do either. and i dont know of anything to tell you except to keep it touch with her and that i know how it feels.


its a sucky situation lol

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