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  1. im pretty sure whiteice said he has a gf (which doesnt stand for boyfriend). so i doubt he would talk to his boyfriend about it. or am i wrong
  2. im in the same boat. im going to college in my hometown and shes leaving for another college. ive known this girl for 4 years and weve always had like a love hate relationship, and ivhad a crush on her since freshman year, and even when i was with other people. recently though weve become the closest of friends and it sucks cause shes leaving in like a week and i know we wont be anything more than friends. she tells me anything and everything, and i tell her everything except the fact that i am crazy about her. and i dont know what to do either. and i dont know of anything to tell you except to keep it touch with her and that i know how it feels. its a sucky situation lol
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