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can weed give you an weird reaction ?


This has only happened one other time to me and this was when

i hit my bestfriends bong and i think maybe, i hit it to many t imes because i pretty much lost all sight and when i went to go open up the refrigerator door I coudlnt see anything and fell down on my back....


This happened yesterday

and i was very scared. I turned into the opposit of myself, not

to mention weird person and my friend coudln't help it but tell me i looked really pale, when i went into the bathroom of his house my mind was trippin out, like i was hearing voices in the back of my head, a bunch of them and i was feeling worried and guilty...



Has anybody ever had a weird reaction to it, like you freak out and get real paranoid, your pulse might start beating a lot faster, ever heard voices?? almost like an alergic reaction?

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It might have been laced with another drug. Sometimes dealers lace 'weed' with harder addictive drugs so that their users become addicted. Better sales I guess. I've personally never heard of anyone hearing voices after doing just weed.

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Nah, if you were allergic and went into anaphylaxic shock, your tongue would have got thick, throat likely would have swollen shut. Never heard of allergies having you hear voices and cause loss of vision. So no, not an allergic reaction as far as I know.


Guess the outcome of this is, it's really not a great idea to try this again. Either it's bad stuff and it may be worse next time, or you are having a different type of reaction. Either way, it's a really bad idea to willingly put yourself into a state where you're not in control of your body using a substance you have no idea of the origin of.


Different people react to prescription or over the counter drugs in different ways and the advice they get from the doctor is not take them anymore. It's just not worth the risk.

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Mystik ..."It might have been laced with another drug"


2 other people were smoking out of the same bowl and they

did not seem to have the reaction i had to it..weird hmmm?


Ash..."Guess the outcome of this is, it's really not a great idea to try this again. Either it's bad stuff and it may be worse next time, or you are having a different type of reaction. Either way, it's a really bad idea to willingly put yourself into a state where you're not in control of your body using a substance you have no idea of the origin of."


you make a lot of since!! I agree with you, whats weird is that i used to smoke everyday and then i quit for a few months and just yesterday that happened..


Thanks for the perspective, do any of you think that i should go to a phycytrist to get prescribed special medicine so that this event is never likeley to happened to me again? Do you think that you can lead me into finding the right one?

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wow that never happened to me - I think you were really tripping out! - and the fact that you became worried caused it to become worst - like thinking you are going to feel sick - you will feel sick.


Maybe you had a bit too much, or it was bad stuff, or it had any other substance in it. I think you should stop taking this, or just take it easy..

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Thanks for the perspective, do any of you think that i should go to a phycytrist to get prescribed special medicine so that this event is never likeley to happened to me again? Do you think that you can lead me into finding the right one?[/color]


I don't understand - from your earlier post it didn't seem like you were taking it for medicinal purposes.

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Hi Emotional i have the same problem and i'll tell you what it might be.A friend of mine told me years ago that he had a friend who couldnt drink caffeine and smoke up cause he would get sick.Its a rare condition.I guess some people are sensitive to combinations.Well, on 2 occasions i had drinken caffeine before i smoked up and i threw up, felt cold and clammy, dizzy and "blacked out" where i couldnt see anything in front of my face. On both occasions i felt like i was gonna die literally but i kept assuring myself i wasnt cause you cant actually OD on weed its not possible less its mixed with something.So i just tried to eat something, drank lots of water to flush it out and layed down, within 2 hrs i was normal again.Any other time that i smoked up but didnt drink any caffeine that day, i felt fine and got my high.So its probobly the caffeine thats interacting with the weed.Try to not drink caffeine all day long then smoke up and see if you dont get sick.If that doesnt help then the weed might be laced or it might be too potent for you. Also if you're taking any MAOI's or prescription drugs, they can interact with the weed.Hope this helps. P.S. - i dont smoke weed anymore, i was never a constant smoker and my roomate blows most of his paycheck on pot and sponges off of me and my fiance'.we intend to move out ASAP because of his ways. indeed a very good reason for me to not ever wanna smoke it again. our roommate= anti-drug campaign lol.

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thanks girl, I am so glad that I can hear that

somebody else has been through this, I was

beginning to go out of my mind, thinking I

am crazy because I have smoked for a pretty

good time of my life and can usually function high.


Come to think about it, now that you mentioned caffiene. All

I did was drink caffine all day. I took aderal that day because I

knew i was going to get drilled with test and im not prescribed

it, I took some of my dads. That day I did not eat a single ounce

of food.


Thank soo , soo much for alerting me about caffiene, I was hopeing

to hear from you. Wow thank you so much,


I do not smoke as often as I use to, but i dont really need to.

I dont blame you for wanting to move out, I hate it when people

bum off money from me....


Thanks again for your perspective, I muchos el-appriciate it!!

can't you tell i cant speak spanish.?

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Hi Emotional,


Couple of suggestions:


1) You don't need to see a psychiatrist for getting a strange reaction to weed once, don't worry! Weed is a natural product, so strength and effect etc will vary from batch to batch. It's also a mind-altering substance, so it will interact with whatever is going on in your mind at the time: if you're feeling low it's not a good idea to smoke because it is likely to make you feel worse, for instance. Like parallelltraverse said, it can also interact with whatever else is in you system, e.g. caffeine, or if you just hadn't eaten enough that day.


2) You mention you stopped smoking for a while, or at least seriously cut down. As with any drug (including alcohol and caffeine) as you use more of a substance your tolerance for it goes up - so you have to smoke more to achieve the same effect. If you've stopped for a while, you'll need far less to smoke than you used to to get the same effect. If you smoked the same amout you used to this time, it's likely the effect on you was FAR stronger than it used to be for you, and this could have triggered the reaction you had, especially since you weren't expecting it.


3) Are you female? I actually stopped smoking weed years and years ago because it just made me feel tired and paranoid. Last weekend, for the first time in years, I smoked a bit of hash and felt absolutely fine! I only had a tiny bit and just got a nice little buzz off it. My mother-in-law (yep, she's a bit of a hippie recently told me weed has that paranoidy effect on a lot of women - hadn't heard that before but she does have 53 years of experience so who knows?


so, to conclude: these things happen, don't worry about it, and if you are worrying about it just don't smoke again! It's great that you cut down, try and keep it that way. The best argument i ever heard against weed came from Southpark, it was something along the lines of "Weed won't turn you into a criminal or on to hard drugs, but it makes you feel ok with being kind of bored all the time." i.e. if you smoke it all the time it will keep you from fulfilling your potential, you're spending all this time chilling out on the couch that could be spent learning some new skill, or studying, or posting obsessively on internet forums when you should be studynig, like me

It's like alcohol, something which is not good for you, but which you can indulge in every now and again - or not, if you're having a bad reaction to it - and with legal risks depending on where you are in the world.


take care,



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i went to the movies the other day and we got blazed before

we left, I was absolutly fine. I had the perfect high, but my

bestfriend was wayy paranoid...53 years of experience is a lot.

I agree with your grandma, shes right abou tthe paranoia. It

happens to me too...I am not doing it as often as before because

of the fact that i have a lot ahead of me such as college lol...

i need to get a job...

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