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I finally met someone

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I have known Roxanne for almost a year. She's been in a few of my music classes and my art classes. But today as I was heading home I hopped into a community van (they go to and from campus) and i ran into her.


We spoke for about 15 mins and it was all the time we had. It started off dry just talking about classes but then we pushed beyond that into bad action movies (my favorite topic for discussison) and music and D and D. We just clicked. She had me laughing all day. She said she'd see looked forward to seeing me friday.


Oh man. Total crush zone here. My first big crush in a year. Even if this runs into friendship it will still kick * * *. I have been giddy all day. I really really hope this one works out. I'll have to wait and see how it all goes. Thats the best and most angsty part.



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I'm very happy for you and I hope that this can turn into something.


My only advice is just to keep getting to know her. It sounds like you got a good start. Maybe sit next to her in class if that's allowed. Ask her to get something to eat after class. Just take every chance you can to get to know her more.


Keep us updated!

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Maybe it was just excitement or may be I am opening up more to women these days. Last class I came in late and sat diagonally to Roxanne. She waited for me to pack up and we chatted for like 5 seconds. She remarked that I looked sexy and once we were out the door she was gone. She didn't catch the bus either. So that one might be over.


Today I went to an inter-state college radio meeting and met two pretty attractive women: Vernonica and Rachael.


Veronica had lots of male attention but when I started chatting with her she asked for some time alone. We walked around for a while and she told me I was fun. She also gave me her phone number and told me that we would get together later that night. She gave me her number and took mine down. Score... but she never called. At the least she wants to talk to me more so I'll follow that up in a week or two.


Rachael just came onto me hard. She talked about her ex boyfriend (emphasizing being single) and then told me a sexual pirate joke flirting, "I knew you'd like it (giggles)". She told me we had to see each other before she left and gave me her pone number, then took mine. She never called but what can I say... she's not an eminent crush.


Both of these women go to different schools. Veronica is Turkish and going back to Europe when she graduates to study. I really just want to keep in contact with her and see how it all works out.


I spent saturday night with my best friend Casey in Denny's so it all worked out fine.


I'll cross my fingers for more luck with the women. The ball was half way in my court half way in their own. While I could have called those ladies tonight... they could have called me. But, to be honest I didn't want to come off as a guy looking for a casual lay-- I prefer to maintain a level of self-respect and dignity.

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Maybe it was just excitement or may be I am opening up more to women these days. Last class I came in late and sat diagonally to Roxanne. She waited for me to pack up and we chatted for like 5 seconds. She remarked that I looked sexy and once we were out the door she was gone. She didn't catch the bus either. So that one might be over.


What do you mean that that one might be over? She complimented you.

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I meant that she didn't appear to make an effort. She changed her routine. She could have been going to the bathroom or something. I should find some way to stick around and hang out after class so that she can be chatty with me.


Maybe she's just playing hard to get and she wants to see how much of an effort you are willing to make to be with her.

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Did she ask you for your number first? If so, don't worry about it.

I don't mean to say all girls are like that, but I find it very difficult for me to expect that a girl calls me first. Generally I think they expect you to call them first. Not all girls are like that though. Call her after a few days (from the time you got her #) and see how she reacts.

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What happened with Veronica on saturday is starting to sink in and steal my heart. I am beginning to think it was love at first sight and now I'm wandering around giddy all the time and thinkning of her. But I thought I would post a rundown of the story we share right now. I will call her friday I'm thinking.

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There was a conference at my school to discuss college radio, its statewide. I was bitter about waking up early to go to the event and I was pissed off at my ex for no reason.


When I got to campus I mingled, but not with Veronica. I spoke to some women I wasn't interested and almost went home but sat through some of the conferences. Around lunch I was particularly angsty and isolated. I had lunch with my friends and after lunch I was walking around when Veronica asked me for some directions to a particular classroom. We went to the same conference.


Afterwards, I debated leaving again but I went for a walk instead. I returned to the last conference and when I opened the door to the lecture she turned to me and smiled.


Post lecture some guys were hitting on her and when the swarm had cleared I introduced myself. She invited me to go for a walk. We talked and connected it was amazing. I thought it was a typical discussion at first. When a guy came out and asked her to go get a drink with him she turned to me and said I was fun. It was flattering and amazing. I really clicked with this girl!


More guys came outside to hit on her so I walked away and decided to go chat with some other women.


Later, Veronica gave me her number and told me she would call me if there was a party. My friend made a crack about her giving me her number and she said "we may go to a party later" (I think she was being nice to him).


But again my friend brought more guys to hit on her so I walked away. Before she left she came and found me and said it was nice meeting me and said goodbye.


She never called that night. I was disappointed. The next day I decided to call her and wish her a safe ride home. My message was dorky, giddy, and probably cute. I said I would call her and have yet to do so.


But all this week rain or shine, thats all I can think about is her and how she took me to some new emotional terrain-- we connected on a level that I never thought was possible and life is feeling amazing.

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If you are interested in Veronica, then get her number, call her, and ask her out (just you and her-no one else) for a cup of coffee or something similar. If you start spending all of your time with her without being clear that you are interested in a relationship, then you will end up being simply her good pal. Don't waste any more time, ask her out, just you and her and have a specific place and time in mind when you ask. Also, keep phone conversations and email down to a MINIMUM. Use them ONLY to set up dates, not to converse.

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Called her again and she didn't return my call. I should be patient about this stuff but I am just upset. For some reason my success with women is drastically low and its making me tired and upset. I don't feel like I need someone but all of these girls just come and go. Its been a good week so far hopefully she has just been busy.

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She lives 3 hours from me. At this point I am just trying to establish a phone relashionship with her. She never called back the second time though. You know it could have just been one of those crushes where she didn't want anything to come of it. Or she may just be busy. So no I did not.

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