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hate my body

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I really hate my body. Its just sick I guess. When I take a shower I turn off the lights so I won't have to look at myself.

I will starve myself for days, just to get back at my body, I never used to be like this. When I look at myself I feel huge,

like I should be skinner. I wear things that help me blend in because I don't want people looking at me. I don't know what

the hell is wrong with me. I just feel disgusting, like I always can't stand myself, I don't know how to get through this.

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Have you ever thought about going to see someone to talk about it?


It sounds as if you're borderline anorexic- and it's not only about starving yourself, anorexia is a psychological disorder...your outlook on yourself and your body isn't right because all you see are magnified imperfections.


You will just end up harming yourself with your negative self image...and getting back at your body is hurting no one but you.


There are many people who can relate to you and many who can help you get through this.

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hello there,

How you feel about yourself and your body has a lot to do with self-esteem, sometimes ppl feel that they would like themselves better and be happier "if only" they looked differently. This is simply NOT true. Self-esteem and happiness come from within.well... You need to start appreciating yourself

If you hate how your body looks, there are things you can do to feel better about yourself. Learning to LIKE yourself as you are right now. i am very sure that there is nothing wrong with you its all about how you think about yourself. try to accept yourself and you'll be happy.

liquid dream..ur beautiful don't let people around you make you think otherwise.

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You are very pretty. I can tell right away from your user pic. And I fully dig the bright red chunky hilights in the black hair. I had that once, I loved it.


Don't know if that helps, but keep in mind I am a completely impartial opinion here. And my impartial opinion says you're gorgeous.

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I think alot of us at one time or other have issues with our body image. I hope that you do not let it get you down and would hate too see you fall in to anorexia or bulimia.


Honestly, looking at your photo, you do not appear that you can be as "huge" as you see yourself as being. Do you mind telling us your height and current weight?


You are a very attractive young woman from what I can see.

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"You are very pretty. I can tell right away from your user pic." I was going to say that..


I hear that alot of people (especially girls) think like you, all because of those tv commercials & ads.. You have to first realise that there is no "perfect" body. It's a personal choice. If you're unhappy with the way your weight, you can workout, it's alot more healthy & efficient than starving. But you should do these for yourself, not for other people.

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Thanks everyone, I'm trying to eat even though my hunger as disolved and I'm losing weight, which makes me want to eat even less, Coollady, I am 5'4 and weigh 115, yes tv does effect me, but so do the super skinny girls I see everywhere, I just feel like I eat too much...I just dunno...

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Try not to cut back on food alot though, those girls exercice, you can do that too. On girls I noticed that when they try to be skinny by not eating, they do end up skinny maybe but they their faces etc "shrink" (doesn't look healthy) so the best way to be skinny is to exercice!!


Don't worry, be happy

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Honestly I think you look great, and at your height and weight you are NOT huge at all. You are at a good healthy weight and NOT overweight by any means.


Try not to let TV and society dictate how you feel you should look . Those model thin girls are just too too skinny I think. It does not even look healthy some of them are so skinny, and not what I would call attractive body wise.


Try to eat good healthy foods but do not try to lose weight and get some exercise. If you remain just as you are, you are fine.

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Your BMI, which is an indicator of whether or not you are considered overwieght- shows you are well within the normal limits for your height.


Eating a healthy diet and exercising is important- but be careful not to starve yourself in order to fit some unrealistic image you have of what you should be.


Celebrities are often too thin- if they are your models, best to look elsewhere.

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you are fine!!! yes you look pretty from looking at your pic.

im 5"4 and weigh 115 lbs. i think my weigh is where it should be. i do feel like i should work my tummy a little bit. it's not fat but it's not firm and if anyone wants to get firmmer than you gotta work out. your weight is fine, but if it's regarding firmness, walk at fast pace for 45 minutes a day 5 times a week and do 100 sit ups. 50 for lower abs and 50 for upper. it's the simplest way of toning ur body without overdoing it and getting bored of ur routine. that's what i use to do after i had my son. it was simple and worked (matter of fact i think ill start doing it again) good luck with it. by the way drink lots of water and try to lower not cut down cause you still need them for a healthy diet. CARBOHYDRATES!!! it helps lower your tummy!!.

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  • 2 weeks later...

first off, don't go strictly by your BMI. that thing is not formulated to everyone's exact body type. example: my bmi is currently like 23.5, almost above average, right? but according to my doctor, i'm actually a little underweight. BMI's don't properly take into account muscle mass.

i totally get hating to look in the mirror. but hun, the best thing you can do is to look in the mirror. decide exactly what it is you don't like. but then find the things you do like, be it the colour or shape of your eyes, your nose, your ankles or your knees or toes.. your belly button, or your back. maybe it's the texture of your skin. just remember. everyone has something about themselves that they don't like. if you think you should be smaller, try eating a balanced diet, which includes at least 3 meals a day, and exercizing. toned stomachs look nicer than emasticated ones.. and curves look sexier than angles and bones sticking out. ask your friends, i'm sure they'll tell you. good luck, i know you can beat this whole thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know the feeling every where I walk I see skinny girls in size 8 (which is tiny tiny here..) Then I look at myself in the mirror and see me.. exema down the side of my legs no matter what I do. Excess weight gallore (165 5ft 7) But who cares? Your beautiful and it's the personality that counts. Anyone who tells you that your not worth it, isn't worth your time or effot so sod them. Who needs friends like that anyway?

I've pretty much got the same problem although I work out alot. I starve myself a lot but I do eat each day... so if you need someone to talk to about how you feel and stuff feel free to message me and we can chat.


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