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OK so me and my girlfriend of a year broke up like three weeks ago and like a couple of days ago we hung out and everything was great and we still really connected. This other she thought liked me but I told her I didn't like her. But she was looking through my phone and saw that she called me and I told her why. We hung out but it was with other people so it wasn't anything really. She was really mad and she almost cried. She tells me how much she likes me still and that. She told me that we would probably be going back out if she didn't find that out because she realized that she really missed me after we hung out. I don't know if this is a big deal because to her it seems like it is. We weren't going out at the time either. She says she is mad about the situation and it will take time and that. What should I do is this a big deal or no?

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Do you want to get back together?


If it was a mutual break up, then it shouldn't matter who is calling you now. But by the way she is acting, I would say that she is having second thoughts on breaking up. If you want to be back together with her, then you two really need to talk about it. If not, you need to let her think what she wants, and continue to live your life.


You are young man. If this stuff bothers you, just walk away from it. You have PLENTY of time to meet more women, and experience all the relationship woes

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If you want to get back together, then you need to tell her that. But only once. If she doesn't want to get back with you, then you need to tell her what you do in your time is no longer her business.


Take some time away from her, and she will miss you. If that phonecall from that girl was in innocense, then you have nothing to apologize for. If she can't handle that, or trust you, then she has issues, and I suggest you re evaluate wether getting back together is worth it.


Good luck

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Yes I have told her how I feel. I have taken time away from her and she calls me almost everyday now so she must miss me. She wants to hang out more and wants to get back together. She is being like this because at first when we broke up I kinda liked this other girl but it was sort of a rebound and I don't have that much of feeling for her anymore.

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