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"u have lost weight!!!!"... for some ppl these r the most wonderful words ever....but for me...well!!! lets just say i dread them!!!! i'm skinny.. its partly genetic..partly because of stress....i guess!!!! i lose weight as easily as some gain.... nowadays i even don't want to venture out of the house.....i have had enough ppl telling me what to eat n what not to....but its not that easy... God!!! I don't know what to do!!!!! I know i should not listen to any1 n every1 but its frustrating!!!!

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Im the same as you - i hate when people say yuove lost weight. It really affects my self esteem.


I have now made it my priority to always make time to eat, because when i am busy i dont bother. I dont rarely feel hungry and just eat when i know i should. Try having an ensure or something like that with every meal. Also try to bear in mind that a lot of people would love to have your figure and dont stress too much XXX

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