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Question about condoms

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Ok their are many types of condoms and I got a question when it says lubricated that means its alittle bit wet right? And what does spermicidal, non-lubricated, climax control mean? And what is latex and non latex? I think I got a idea on what they all mean but I want someone to correct me if I dont got it to the exact.


I bought a lubricated one and it was alittle wet like slippery so is that what is normal



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Condom questions, my favourite kind!


Lubricated means it has lube included. Use these unless you're planning on getting head. Then non lubed are nice because the giver won't get a mouthful of sometimes not so great tasting lube. Or get flavoured ones!


Spermicidal means the lube on the condom includes a spermicide. Spermicide is sperm-poison. It's just extra protection against pregnancy.


See above for non lubricated.


Climax control is for the fellas that have would like to increase the duration of their love making. For those who feel they ejaculate prematurely, this can be very useful. But it's great for those who don't necessarily ejaculate quickly, but would like to just go longer. The lubricant includes a numbing agent. Think oragel for sore gums numbing agent.


Latex condoms are the most common ones as they are cheaper and are very stretchy. However, latex is no good for people who have latex allergies or sensitivies. Non-latex condoms are generally made from polyurethane (i think that's what it is). Polyurethane is stronger, thinner, but not as stretchy and more expensive. Because they are not as stretchy, they are more likely to break (been there done that). You can get other non latex condoms like sheepskin. Sheepskin is derived from animal sources and are not as effective for prevent std's as they are more porous than non-organic condoms.


Try going to a condom store (like condom shack) or a sex shop. They usually have a wall of bins where you can buy condoms individually. Buy one of each and try them out, see what you like.


Have fun!

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