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how do i tell her

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ok i met this girl at a party and we talked alot and we got to know eachother...we exchanged numbers i called her recently and just flat out told her she was hott...but i mean she is and she told me she thinks im cute...basically i feel shes is lookin for some1 to just mess around with...but ifeel like i want an actual relationship wit this girl..how do i tell her? should i hang out an mess around a lil more wit her and see where it leads?

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Geeez... get to first base first before you plan out the whole baseball season!


Don't make the mistake of screwing this up by complicating it.


Just have some fun and if something else happens while you're having fun, good for you.


Don't go in with your heart on your sleeve hoping for marriage and 2.5 kids and scaring her off.

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I agree 100% with raggamuffin. Keep it real with yourself. If you want a relationship, seek someone who is relationship material. Communication is key. Find out if they want to just fool around or if they wouldnt mind dating and then starting a relationship somewere in the future. If not, then maybe you need to think about moving on.!!!!


Peace out cubscout.


Create a great day.

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Yea seriously, I agree with reinvented. There was this girl one time that I liked for a while and she showed no interest in me. A few months later she all of a sudden came up to me and said she wanted me. I found out she just wanted to fool around with me and wasn't interested in an actual relationship. As tempted as it did sound, I thought of what a big mistake it would be so I rejected her and moved on and found someone who likes me for who I am... 8) Anywayz, whatever you decide, I hope everything works out for the best!

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Well why do you think she only wants to mess around?? Did she say that? I thinkyou should hang out with her but make sure you know what you want and dont if you decide to just mess around with her make sure your feelings do not get in the way or else you will end up hurt. This is my question to alot of responses that I reply to How old are U?? This really means alot if she is 25 and still wants to mess around then maybe not a good idea but if she is 17/18 then she is still young and maynot want a boyfriend. Sometimes, girls say things like that because they think guys want to hear that.

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