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Explain US Medical Care to an ignorant Englander?

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Yikes some guy...I hope you go in as SOON as that insurance kicks in!


If it's painful it DOES sound like a hernia or a pulled groin, but it's still something that needs attention ASAP! You are one of those cases I mentioned...people whom wait so long to go, and end up in more dire health then they would of been initially - it's sad. How many teens don't go get medical attention for serious sexual health issues or pregnancies as they don't want their parents to find out through their insurance, and can't afford it...it's terrible to see honestly.


I hope it turns out okay for you - man I would be devastated if could not ride my bike

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I hope it turns out okay for you - man I would be devastated if could not ride my bike


Yeah, it sucks. I've spent a good deal of money on taking the train bus now too. That's the money I had wanted to save when I started riding my bike in the first place!


Whatever it is I'll know relatively shortly. Worst case is it's cancer, but testicular cancer has a high survivability rate. I doubt that's it.


If it is a pulled muscle, I don't even know how I pulled it to begin with. I only averaged a little over 100 miles a week...

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It might even be a pinched nerve from cycling too....sometimes the pressure from an incorrectly fitting saddle can do that too.


Well, I guess I can add that to the list of possible things wrong. I've been told of it possibly being everything from cancer to an STD.


I've already bought a new saddle, but have yet to use it as I wont starting riding again until a couple of weeks after the pain goes away completely.

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Well, I guess I can add that to the list of possible things wrong. I've been told of it possibly being everything from cancer to an STD.


I've already bought a new saddle, but have yet to use it as I wont starting riding again until a couple of weeks after the pain goes away completely.


Hope you get this figured out soon, someguy. My husband had a similar set of symptoms. He was misdiagnosed and ended up having hernia surgery. When the symptoms came back a month later, they did a follow-up and figured out he just had an infection. I guess some guys are susceptible to testicular bacterial infections from a lot of jostling (such as movement from bike riding). (Kind of like women with bladder infections and sex--the movement just stirs everything up and causes problems.) It was easily treated with a course of antibiotics; he's had a couple more flare-ups since then, but it's no biggie. Too bad about the surgery, though!

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What kind of tests did they perform on your husband before they mis diagnosed him?


I'm really hoping it's something as simple an infection that can be solved with pills, or a pulled muscle that will go away with a little more time.


This whole thing has been a real pain. For the first time ever I had someone in the medical field hold onto my testicles, tell me to turn my head, and cough.


The number of people in this world besides my GF who know just how small my penis is is growing exponentially because of this problem. I don't like it.

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Two ultrasounds and a lot of groping. We still don't know what he could have done differently, in retrospect. Antibiotics first? Probably he needed to see a urologist, but his HMO general MD just worked directly with the surgeon, rather than referring him to a specialist.


He was a little freaked out by all the genital attention, too. It made him anxious when the hot female tech rubbed the ultrasound gel on his testicle; he was afraid he was going to, er, demonstrate that he found the experience somewhat pleasant. LOL.

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He was a little freaked out by all the genital attention, too. It made him anxious when the hot female tech rubbed the ultrasound gel on his testicle; he was afraid he was going to, er, demonstrate that he found the experience somewhat pleasant. LOL.



Oh god. I'd be so nervous they would shrivel up and retract all the way up into my chest cavity and settle themselves somewhere near my liver.


This is definitly going to suck. I really doubt it's the testicle directly at this point, but the pain is in the general region. I rode a bike home from my bikeshop yesterday, a ride of one mile. The top of the thigh is now hurting me, at the back of my leg. It feels like the whole area where the thigh connects to the rest of my body.


And the weather in NYC has been so great the past two days. All the fair weather riders are out on their bikes. Meanwhile I spent hundreds of dollars on winter gear to ride all year round, and I didn't even get to use it because of this injury when it just started to get really cold.

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