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Update after 4 weeks being broken up

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Well I spent the night talking with my ex last night and we ironed out many issues that led to our break up. Mainly not seeing each other very much due to both of us in school and working(we also live 45 mins apart). But we both realize that we want to be together and have decide to get back together after school is done and we have time to spend with each other. I am also moving to her city to get a place with her and I will commute back and forth, as I'm the one with the car lol.


So all in all I'm very happy, it's the first day in 4 weeks that I've woke up in a good mood and happy for what the future holds for the two of us.


Thanks for all your support, it really did help me make good choices on how to approach the whole situation.

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Hey Metal,


This is great news. I am uplifted when I hear storys such as yours. You will no doubt have an extra spring in your step. Its great that you guys have ironed out the issues, and have made productive descisions towards making it work.


Good luck in the future.

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