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are all girls crazy?? please help me

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THIS GIRL I KNOW SHE IS MY FRIEND OR ATLEAST I THOUGHT SHE WAS she talks to me every day .but every month she ignores me for atleast a week i mean i dont know what happens , but i just wanted to know why is she doing this and how can i get her to stop doing it. i also wanted to know how i could i tell her i like her i think she wants me to come out and tell her

my face surrounds Aalah
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well if she talks to u everyday but once month she stops talking to u about week....well maybe this means her monthly friend visit her and she doesn't want to say or do anything wrong i know when my comes i eat alot more and i get bitching even at the guy i like...if this is really bothering u just ask her hope i am right about this....

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Something you're doing (or not doing) is setting her off. I think she's the type of girl who internalizes and maybe is a little shy, so sometimes she just clams up. You need to pull her aside and really talk to her and get to know her...take her out for ice cream or soda or something like that. Then when you sense that she's relaxed, tell her that you like her.

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I agree with Ineedhim...When I get my monthly visit from the devil I get more emotional and more easily upset about the slightest little thing. it makes a lot of women insane. Heh..thus it makes men insane as well! However, ultimately you'll just have to talk to her. Don't be accusatory either. Tell her how you feel and go from there. Be honest and open as well as openminded! Good luck and keep us all posted.

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You know, I agreed with the idea that it could be that she gets emotional on her time of the month. Some girls just don't want to talk very much because they are in pain or they feel depress.


I advise you to wait for her to be in a good mood and then send her flowers. Pay attention when she thank you for it, you could very well find out how she feels based in her reaction to it. Some girls will avoid seen you after that because they know where you're coming from, if that is the case, you could safly asume, she only wants to be your friend. If she comes inmediatly looking for you to thank you, that could mean she really like getting the flowers from you and she is expecting your next move. In that case don't waiste more time and ask her out for lunch or dinner, and then tell her how you feel about her.

If you're not the type of man that gives flower, then just don't wais your time and ask her out to findout her feelings for you.


If you're one of those man who would get depress after being rejected and can not see her face again, then you can choose to live a plathonic love.....


But my best advice is to tell her how you feel, because is better to know then don't know.

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alright, i understand guys r clueless, but, come on. i'm gonna try and explain this in the nicest way i know how...GIRLS R DIFFERENT WHEN THEY'RE ON THEIR PERIODS! these come once a month...some girls have mood swings...this is what this girl is going through. omg, i didn't think any guy could be THAT clueless.

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