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hey yall i going thro pretty bad time and i need some advice at how to get back in to the game i just lost my last life on.


anyways heres whats been happening i have a friend and did like her but she had this bf and i have no clu what she sees in him but there going for the 2 year this august so i got a little disappointed. next i asked one of my friends out but she saids we were really good friends (which i don't think we r) and didn't want to end up with us breaking up (if that would happen) in the end. And heres the pin that broke the camels back my friend was going threw a rough time after her bf broke up with herso i was there to comfort her and i did like her so i was going to ask her out the next day. the next day after school i was going to tell her ( i was sick couldn't go to school) when i saw the classic heart in the name with i guy i knows name there friends so i thought nothing of it till she told me when we started talk ( before i told her) so i didn't tell her so i dunno everythign seems to be going wrong and i dunno what to do

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I see a pattern of you liking your friends. It is easy to become attracted to the people you see the most, but you are in a tough situation when your eye keeps wandering to your girlfriends. Many people do have the fear that if you step over that friendship line and should the relationship end, not only have you lost a significant other but you have lost a friend. Now that's not to say people can't become romantic with one another after being friends, and many relationships do start out like that. However, you may want to look at why you are staying within the safe relm of your circle of friends and not looking beyond the circle.

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not really and i'm not the type of person to just walk up to some random person i also would not know what to say

You don't need corny chat up lines. Just start chatting normally. Hell, I can't pull in clubs or bars to save my life but a generally friendly approach is often well received. Still be single, otherwise!


Good luck.

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Well, I am at a loss on what to tell you. You either need to work up the confidence to start approaching girls outside of your circle, or remain in your circle of friends. Based on what you have told us I think you want to remain in that circle and not step out of it, however in the process you are choosing girls who see you as their friend and nothing else.

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