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Have any of the ladies on this board


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Oh, yeah, geez...I'm sorry...my days are messed up, I keep thinking today is Wed.


Are you still thinking/feeling you may be pregnant?


How did yesterday's lunch go, good I hope!



The lunch went fine...we had a peaceful lunch! We have been having a few good weeks!..and i feel so nauseous right now...and my back is killing me! Either I am getting sick or I am pregnant....



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Thank you all...


The pregnancy has been confirmed...and I am still sticking with my decision, of going through with the termination. Which it is scheduled for next Friday at 9:30 am.....so umm yeah


thanks again for your help! I do appreciate the support and guidance

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Thank you WildChild....


I think I will be able to get through this...I hate lying but I had to tell people at work that I wasnt pregnant. That the baby never formed...but there is a sack...so they are doing a D and C next week...lord this next week is going tobe hell!


Thanks again everyone

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Thank you WildChild....


I think I will be able to get through this...I hate lying but I had to tell people at work that I wasnt pregnant. That the baby never formed...but there is a sack...so they are doing a D and C next week...lord this next week is going tobe hell!


Thanks again everyone


I think they call that a blighted ovum or something.


I can understand not wanting to tell anyone...and you don't have to - it's private and your decision too. It's best you don't share personal stuff like that at work.

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If you need to ask anything about what to expect please ask. I can give you some insight on what happens, the pain, afterwards, what your body goes through, etc. I am sorry that you are here. I know I didnt want to be in that place ever but I was and now I go on with life. It may sound kind of callous but that is how you have to think of it or you will never move past it.

I am here if you need an ear

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I just wanted to extend my sympathy and support as well. You are doing what is best for you and that's what is important.


What does Win say about all this? I hope he's being very supportive of you as well right now.


We are all here for you.



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I just wanted to extend my sympathy and support as well. You are doing what is best for you and that's what is important.


What does Win say about all this? I hope he's being very supportive of you as well right now.


We are all here for you.





Win is being supportive in his own way...He isnt the emotional type. He has just said he loves me and is here for me...He is being sweet tho. Very nice.

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If you need to ask anything about what to expect please ask. I can give you some insight on what happens, the pain, afterwards, what your body goes through, etc. I am sorry that you are here. I know I didnt want to be in that place ever but I was and now I go on with life. It may sound kind of callous but that is how you have to think of it or you will never move past it.

I am here if you need an ear



How long are you in pain? Afterwards....I have heard you bleed for a long time afterwards, do your periods get back to normal afterwards...?


And thanks again everyone for your help and support!

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They drug you up pretty good - some people are put to sleep, some aren't but are really 'out of it'. They use a local anasthetic in most cases, general anasthesia is riskier so less common except in extreme cases. At least that is how they do it up here. There is no pain when you are having it done as you are so hopped up on drugs generally, and very little afterwards even as they are wearing off. Though I do know some people whom said they did have some cramping during the procedure. Afterwards, you may have some cramping which can be a little intense, and some nauseous feelings, or effects from the drugs. You can take some Ibuprofen to help with the swelling/pain.


Do you know if you have to go in the day before the procedure? Sometimes they have to insert a device to gently dilate your cervix for 24 hours to allow them to have an easier time during the procedure. But this is not always done, depends on the clinic/doctor doing the procedure.


Just keep an eye out for anything like a fever, sweats, intense pain, etc which may indicate infection or other complications.


They advise you to take it easy for a day, but then generally you can go back to your regular daily activities the next day.


They will usually tell you to not have sex for a couple weeks or more after though, as the tissues still need to heal and your cervix will still be a bit dilated which can increase infection risk. And you should not use tampons either for the first couple weeks due to similar reasons.


You may bleed for a few days, or you may spot a little first day or two, then nothing. Your cycle will return fairly quickly to normal. Actually many women ovulate within a couple weeks after the procedure and start getting back to normal.


I think it is important you arrange for some counselling afterwards, as you may find you are grieving, and it can be beneficial.

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When you first go in they counsel you and make sure this is the descision you want. Then you go to a room that looks like a regular DR check up room. They gave me a shot of I can't remember but it makes you as relaxed as you can be without totally going under.


There were 3 people in the room with me 2 nurses and the DR. One of the nurses held my hand the whole time. Said to squeeze if there was any sort of pain. She was very very nice to me. The only pain I felt was when the dilation started. It just feels like very bad cramps. You know when you go to the gyno for a pap and they do the test swab on your cervix for cultures. Its that kind of uncomfortable feeling.


I thought it was going to be this excrutiating procedure and long. It was neither. They asked if I wanted to see the results. I said no. I did ask what it looked like and they said a clot. It was NOT in the form of a baby. I asked. They told me I would bleed for a bit and to wear a pad and not tampons. When done they asked me to lie there for a bit but I got up to soon and felt like I was going to throw up. I did. I guess that is a normal reaction?

My friend then drove me to my parents where I stayed for a few days. I took off I think 2 days from work since I didnt know what to expect. I didnt bleed a ton maybe for the first 2 days? I don't recall. The one thing that I noticed was none of my pants fit. Your body swells a bit but that goes away in a week or so. I was taking just regualr Ibuprofen for the crampy feeling. I slept most the day and cried because the hormone level is a little off.

I didnt have sex since at the time I didnt have a b/f and didnt really want to think about that for awhile. My periods ahve been normal, paps normal and it has been what did I say 8 years ago? I didnt need the counseling afterward I guess because my situation was alot different then yours. I do think about it and that I would have an 8 year old if I had gone through with the pregnancy.


I think that the prolife people put false information out there that it is a baby that you are killing. I mean that what comes out is a baby. It isnt. They use all the propaganda to scare women. It is not scary it is emotional but not scary. The people that work at those clinics are the kindest people because they know it is a tough choice. I wish people could understand it is a choice. You have the choice to abort or to keep.

My choice was to abort. I don't feel regret at my choice and I hope that you don't too.

Good Luck to you and you are in my thoughts for sure

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I don't want to offend anyone, and I certainly hope no one will take offense, but I am asking as a friend, and member of the forum, if there could be refraining from the hows and whats. I totally want to support you Win, and I do, but I think somethings should be left to PMs so those who want to openly support you emotionally can do so, without having to read about the procedure.


Again, I hope no one is offended and can understand

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No offense taken but if she asked I told. Also if there were others who saw this link and were in the same situation then they would have some sort of knowledge of it. Just like with TV or radio if you don't like what you see or hear pass over it. Its that simple. That post maybe graphic in your eyes but in anothers it is something that can help them with a choice they are making or may make.


Again no offense taken but I dont feel it was offensive it is just straight forward info that was asked for. If she wanted a PM she would have PM'd me but she asked on the board.

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This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. It's not a matter of liking or disliking, it is a matter of appropriate. If you guys want to talk about it that is fine, but start a new thread, or someone take the frikkin initiative to start a new thread given the sensitivity of the topic. Abortion is a VERY HOT TOPIC and those who are trying to support her (whether they agree with abortions or not) may not want to know the graphics of it. Appropriate sometimes is hindsite, but give others the chance to not have to read it by starting a thread with an appropriate title, that way I or anyone else who chooses doesn't have to read about it in a thread that started out as moral support

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It is a HOT TOPIC and always will be. I am not going to feel bad nor censor what is asked of me. Like I had said in the beginning there are others who may be in the same boat and are a "guest" but want to know the info from a person not literature on the net.


Starting a new thread no I believe that it was appropriate to respond the way I did. Just as you have your answers to her questions I did too. You just dont agree or like my answer. I meant to offend no one and if so there isnt anything I can do with how you feel.


As for graphic I would say the only thing graphic was the words "clot & throw up" and you know what every women gets one once in awhile during their period or has gotten sick to their stomach.


This could be debatable till the end of time there is no right or wrong answers its all a matter of what one chooses for their own life.I stand by my choice and my post.


WildChild I like you on this site and I am not trying to "duke" this out we can agree to disagree perhaps?

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WildChild I like you on this site and I am not trying to "duke" this out we can agree to disagree perhaps?


I would never want anyone to feel any judgment...that's not my intention.


Agree to disagree is one of my practices in life, and I will back that up with a handshake -->

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i had an abortion due to my age. i had it when i was 17. i do not regret it cause now that i have my almost five year old i realize what is really like to have kids. trust me !!! i would have not been the mother i am now. it depends on your emotional, economic, mental, if the father is there, ur age. the job you have. put it this way. people say you need to be ready for a baby , meaning a house, good job and so on . but it is also important to know this little person will depend on you 24/7 for you to do every single thing for him/her. wheather you want to or not. weathr you have time or not. it is very tough and you really need to know what you want to do. cause you can be bringing a humand being to this crazy corrupted unfair world without being aware of what is really like to have a kid. think about it and make the right decission for you, the father of the unborn and the unborn itself.

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I don't want to offend anyone, and I certainly hope no one will take offense, but I am asking as a friend, and member of the forum, if there could be refraining from the hows and whats. I totally want to support you Win, and I do, but I think somethings should be left to PMs so those who want to openly support you emotionally can do so, without having to read about the procedure.


Again, I hope no one is offended and can understand


No offense taken Dear and you have helped me!

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Thank you everyone for the kind words, and support. I am still going forward with the termination, appt set for Friday.


I will update more later But that is allt hat is going on right now...Besides I am sick I just have a sore throat and my head hurts...I Just want to go home!

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