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Hi All,


I have a question.

Is it possible to still think about someone in a positive way even though

they may have done something negative to you?

I am guessing people MUST be able to see some positive otherwise there

would NEVER be any reconciliations.


Here are some questions:

1) What are some of the worst things someone has done to you, but you

either forgave them for or took them back?


2) How long did it take you to make this decision?


3) Did the person show remorse and change what it was that caused

you to fee that way about them??


4) What is your relationship with them like currently?



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Once my gf married another guy while I was at work. a year later I was okay with it. If I saw her today, I'd hug her and buy lunch.

My wife dumped me. We've been friends ever since.

My bipolar brother has done hundreds of painful or threatening things to me over the years I still care about him.


My best friend since childhood ogled women in front of his wife so much, I'll never speak to him again.

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An ex boyfriend of mine made me do things i really wasn't ready to...now i've forgiven him and we are really close took me a long time to get over it...sometimes i'm still uncomfortable doing the things he made me do but it's ok.


A close friend of the family (girl now aged 17, same as me, was only aged 11 when it happened) was having a fight in front of our primary school with a girl who she had fallen out with. She pushed the girl and the girl went flying onto the road and got knocked over, was very seriously injured. Even though i barely knew this girl, i have NEVER spoken to my close friend again.

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