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I want to see him asap

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I met a guy on Friday night and we've been in steady contact since then (phone calls for the last couple of days, mostly text messages throughout the day). The thing is, he lives five hours away and is in the military, so is only free on weekends (and then he sometimes goes back to his hometown to see his daughter, which is a way off from where I am from too).


I really want to see him as soon as I can. I want to see if we get on in person as well as we did last time, and the waiting around is killing me. He suggested mid-April and I honestly cannot wait that long. If this makes me keen, so be it, but I don't want to be dangling. I want to know if there could be something between us or not, and there's only so much phone calls and texts can do. I have fallen for him big time and I'd really just like to get it over with, to see whether this is something with a future or not.


If I suggested going up to see him, would that make me easy? I don't think I'm being unreasonable in not being able to wait until mid April - or am I?


Thanks for reading

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I can understand your desire to see this guy right away, because you are excited at the prospect. But I think you should play it cool and wait till he can come see you. Also if its this hard for you not see him now, how do you think it will be if you do start a relationship? Would it be long distance? Would you move to be closer to him? Just some things to think about. Good luck!

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Hmm, I would suggest if you are already worrying, you may want to reconsider dating someone in the military!


Be patient, you did JUST meet, so wait another three weeks or whatever and meet up and see how it goes. I can understand you want to rush things, but I imagine if he said mid-April, it's because that is when it is going to work. It may put him in a hard spot if you invite yourself up, if he already has plans to see his daughter for example.


It might be good to slow down too, you just met him, three weeks may give you some time to just relax a bit and not get caught up in the frenzy Fact is even if you meet him tomorrow, it won't tell you if it has future potential or not - that takes time, as in months, not days or weeks. You HAVE met him in person so I am a bit confused about the rush to see if there is something there or not, just communicate with other methods for a few weeks and then meet again. If you do end up dating, I hate to say it but that is how things will end up being a lot of the time when he is in the military anyway.

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