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I know that people who go through break ups have their good days and their bad days.

This is my first proper bad day in AGES.


Don't know why, just started thinking about him. Opened my MSN conversation history from him and sat and read it all, cried a lot, then deleted it.


I hate him for doing this to me i mean he made me fall in love with him, told me he loved me too and wanted to be with me forever and that he would never hurt me or make me cry, then he went and did this.


It's killing me that i've not saw him since LAST MONDAY. I was off school ill, now he is. I even text him (very weak moment and a mistake) and he didn't even reply. Has he totally forgotton about me? Gosh i feel so crap tonight.


Another thing is that mutual friends, well, what i thought were friends, don't even speak to me since the split. I know they are his main friends and he's known them for 7 year and i've only known them for 2, but it feels awful when they walk past me and blank me as if they don't know me


Sorry about this, ANOTHER post about the b*stard of an ex bf lol. It's not really even a proper post...just a way for me to release my emotions. I find it helps me to write about these things.


Any thoughts, words of encouragement or any other break up stories out there? Anything to cheer me up...

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It happens. You just have to take it one day at a time. The night before last I had a dream so vivid about us getting back together that I woke up happy as a lark. It wasn't until about 15 minutes later that I realized it was a dream, and it crushed me. The sun will shine again

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When my ex broke up with me, I found that each bad day got rid of some of the pain inside of me. It seemed that I was able to release a little of the pain inside of me each time I felt badly or had a really hard time thinking of her. After a while, the bad days were not as difficult as the early days after the break up. And then one day, I realized I was not having any bad days that were attributable to my ex. It was then that I realized I had moved on. It will happen to you too. This site will also be helpfiul and a source of comfort. Good luck.

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