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just a what about ME ME ME? ignore my venting!

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gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh he forgot again

4 years and he forgets every time !!!!!!!!!!!

i just wanted a happy birthday before he hung up ](*,)

is that SOOOO MUCH TO ASK???????????????

i am not even going to bother to remind him this year


i always remmeber with a card + present + many wishes the minuite the clock strikes his special day!

what about meeeeee? *wails and howls while beating the floor and kicking the air*




thanks for letting me vent - i do feel better though

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Forget etched in your skull... sounds like most guys have never heard of a pen and paper

Hmm, that's not nice though ravenfox

You should speak to him about it! Have a good old fashioned talk... let him know you're upset, and talk it out.


All the best on your special day! Happy Birthday

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I agree with the others. He sounds so selfish. I'm glad RayKay pointed out ther other post about your gift which he left in his car. It just shows his entire mentality and that this wasn't just about forgetfulness.


He almost sounds narcissistic- like he floats thoughout life self-absorbed and doesn't give a hoot about anyone or anything else. He is full of apathy and insensitivity, lacks empathy and consideration for others.


i always remmeber with a card + present + many wishes the minuite the clock strikes his special day!


He does not deserve you at all. I hope that by your next birthday, you're with someone who celebrates and loves you as much as you truly deserve. You should make that your goal. This current guy is bad news.



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HE forgets everything! thanks for making me feel better

although i am not doing anything i love relaxing and being lazy so today has been ideal! yes i TOOK the present! even though he had a fit when i did and basically had a baby tantrum and said hurtful stuff and left (making me feel like he had/will break up with me!) but i told him its mine ! you guys were right its sooo between me and this lady it doesn't involve him at all! it was a small desk clock - very lovely - matches my bedding. best part is i dont feel like all these years they dont like me because they have been reciprocating my little presents - feels very good that he was just hiding them and i am really liked and appreciated by that nice lady.


He doesnt forget EVERYTHING - he remembers: his friends - cars - computer games or anything thats pleasing to him.


I am not going to talk today because I dont want to rot my day with his excuses! Tomorrow I will ask him why he forgets ME exclusively - he has no excuse as I just spoke with him on the tele for about an hour.



Thanks you all for the sweet wishes - putting up with my venting - and the always fantastic advice.

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my mum says hes spoiled since everything has always been handed to him and no demands are ever made of him.


I suppose since no demands are made he never learned to do things for others. But he does do things for his friends and school mates - just forgets me because i have not been active on this! Tomorrow! today is for cake, naps and good novels!

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Okay, that is just WEIRD that he actually KEEPS gifts from his mother to you FROM you. And then throws a temper tantrum about it because you take the gift FOR you?


Honest truth, I think your boyfriend may have some serious control issues. If he can remember other people and do things for others, it has nothing to do with you "not being active" on this...it has everything to do with him knowing full well what he is doing and using it to control.


There is something very wrong..about this..that goes beyond a poor memory.

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grr he said its because when he asked me on my birthday last year what i wanted to do for my birthday i said nothing much. and he was just doing what he was told to make me happy. did i just stick my foot in my mouth!


That's an excuse. You wanting something low key has nothing to do with him "forgetting" it, or withholding presents from his family to you. Nothing at all, it's an excuse. And even YOU know it.

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