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Just dating or relationship?

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I met this woman about a month ago and we've gone out 5 times to dinner and movies. We get along well, are attracted to each other, and have fun together. She just bought some expensive concert tickets for us for a show in April. We had our first sleep-over together this past weekend too.


Now my question: where do you draw the line between "just dating" and a "committed relationship"? This other girl is really interested in me and my interest in her is so-so. But she makes me dinner all the time and gives me massages. She doesn't say anything about "us" either. Then I'm interested in another girl I just met last week. Actually, I'm really interested in this other girl. But this girl I'm seeing now is great too. And she hasn't mentioned a word about seeing other people or not. Should I bring up the facts of my situation or is it too early to start talking about anything? I mean, should I wait for her to say something? Help!

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I think you're still in the 'just dating' stage if you haven't talked about exclusivity yet. I just started dating a guy but I'm also dating 4 other guys at the same time... heh. Just started using this online dating service & got 230 smiles within the first week... online dating rules! But anyway... the point is, it seems like with the first girl she may want to take things more seriously, maybe not. To be fair, maybe mention that you are dating other people to the first girl and just want her to know, but you don't feel ready to commit yet... or wait 'til she brings it up. You have to be careful with how you say it though... maybe something like "I'm really enjoying the time we're having together, but I don't know if I'm ready to be serious if that's what you want..."


With my first bf, he really fell fast for me and after 3 dates was telling people we were 'in a relationship'... I was a bit freaked out by that, but at the time was clueless on dating and wasn't dating anyone else anyway so the etiquette somewhat was lost on me. Some people have different expectations, but until you discuss it together... you aren't officially a 'couple.' I'd say go out with both until you know which one you want to commit to, and then break it off with the other girl, unless one of them breaks up with you sooner.


Good luck! and enjoy dating.

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You know I think if she wants a relationship she will just say something. Just keep messing around with her, and if she doesn't push the issue then try dating other woman too.


It will take the pressure of you putting all your hopes on just one person. I know people would say thats wrong, and she might leave. There is nothing wrong though with dating a few girls at the same time like society brainwashes into every mans mind.


Unless your married, it is not cheating. If you decided to be exclusive be exclusive, but if your doing relationship things with out agreeing your in one then I wouldn't push it.

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this is my opinion, maybe the idea of the guy telling when you are in a relationship is just outdated... but I think that if you have your feelings and emotions clear of what you want, what is wrong of you telling the girl you choose that you want a relationship?

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what is wrong of you telling the girl you choose that you want a relationship?


He said he's not ready to be in a relationship yet though... he's not sure who he wants to date exclusively yet. My advice is to just keep dating both, and if you feel like one wants more let her know that you're not ready to be exclusive yet, and hope she respects that... maybe remind her that you are really interested in her but not ready to take that next step yet until you date a bit more. Then after you dated her a bit more, decide which one you like better... if you want to be in a relationship with any.

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