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Ive recently moved to france to be an aupair in my gap year. As I didnt know many people the family i live and work for asked their nephew yann to take me out with him and introduce me to people to help me make friends. However i end up falling for yann and wanting something to happen between us. I get the impression he likes me but im not sure.




After several debates with the family LOL i pluck up the courrage to tell him that id like to be more than friends. He says no and says he wants to stay friends. His friends told me its difficult for him because im a part of the family and it could be awkward if something happens. Then last night we went out to a club and whilst we were dancing he kissed me!!! Like a full on kiss!! TWiCE....im so confused i thought he wanted to be friends? Surely you wouldnt passionately kiss someone you only wanted to be friends with?? what do you all think?

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Was drinking invovled? If so there is the answer for the kisses. If not his friends are right, he may be attracted to you but if you were to end badly it would make for uncomfortable family times.


But what do I do? just be friends with him knowing we like eachother?

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awww that sounds cute but the alcohol bit is a touch confusing. It may have just been the alcohol doing it or it may be that he really does like you but you are 'off limits' and the alcohol just brought it out of him!!! If I was in the situation I would confront him and if he can truly say he doesn't like you that way then try and forget about him and just have fun.


Luv Ya All



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