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does anybody have a clue what happened?

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I really liked this girl for over a year...and we became good friends...i eventually asked her to a school dance as friends..and things went great...i walked her to her door after the dance and we stayed out there for a second but i didn't kiss her because her dad was watching through a window..the next night she asked me out, she just dropped the question (i was told by others that she liked someone else). I said yes and things were great for a couple of days..she was never home so i waited until midnight every night to talk to her because we didn't have any classes together and we were both on the opposite sides of the building. Then we went to a movie on the fourth day we were going out. I put my feet on the chair infront of me and she slipped her shoes off and took off her hoodie to get comfortable then seconds later her legs were wrapped around one of my legs and she leaned into me then an hour into the movie she said i could kiss her if I wanted to. I was sort of sceptacle since it was the first date so I told her I wasn't that good of a kisser since I've never actually intimately kissed a girl. She turned her head and seemed disappointed so I said okay and we did. I went for a slow soft kiss and she went for the fast french kiss. I was sort of shocked since she wanted to do the french kiss and I couldn't keep up with her because I got a bad start and she bit my lip. Right after she seemed weirded out, she put on her hoodie and shoes and stopped holding my hand. After the movie we talked about it and I sort of insinuated that I was sorry for my bad kissing. I seen her later that day from a store and she yelled "hey" in a flirtatious way. I didn't get a chance to talk to her that night but I called the next night and I got her sister and she yelled from a distance "TELL HIM I'LL TALK TO HIM LATER"...she never returned my call or talked to me until what would've been "the big week anniversary" and she said she felt weird and I started thinking "what is she going to say?". Turns out she said she felt that I was more like a brother/best friend and asked if we could be friends. I said okay and she said she had to get off the phone to make a salad (i'm still waiting for a call). Now in school I have no problem with just being friends but I've waved to her several times and said "Hi." several times but she doesn't even pay the least amount of attention to me...I was right next to her once and she pretended like I wasn't even there. I know it's long but did I weird her out or something? Any opinions or answers?

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Your interest may have another interest.


Or perhaps some of her friends may have given her reasons for her not to pursue you.


Whatever the reason is... she is no longer interested.


It is would be in your best interest to move on.


Give strength to youself by not giving her the same special attention when you see her. Focus on someone else, remember there is always something occurring that we have no idea the story of.


In other words, things may be happening in her life that she doe not have the space, time, or desire for you at the moment.


So don't take it personal and simply move on.


You'll find someone, you'll see.

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Hm...marcus, much understanding for your situation I have . Well, this chick is obviously a bit loco if you get my drift. To be perfectly honest, maybe she misunderstood you, maybe you underestimated her. Or...OR! Or maybe she changed her mind. Maybe she realized she dug that other dude more or something. If so, then I understand your feelings of anger and hurtedness. But, I don't think your kissing had anything to do with it. Maybe she just treasured you as a friend, not a "boyfriend". It blows I know, but you have to figure, maybe there's another chick who digs you just as much as you dug this insane one. Trust me, I've had my feelings mangled many a time, it takes forever for the stains to come out, but they will. I promise. Don't worry about her, if she dropped you like that, then she didn't disurve you. Your feelings.

Hope that was help.



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