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ok well me and my ex broke up a little after over a month ago we had an awsome relationship we are 17 and we have been together since 9th grade and were almost done junior year we new eachother since 4th grade and been good friends since 6th well here is the problem she was my first love same with her we both lost our virginty to eachother and we did EVERYTHING together. we always got along we never fought until 3 months before our relationship ended i think we were takin our relationship to granted we fought over everything....well i sitll love her she loves me but she isnt sure if she wants to be with me right now i took her out to eat the other night and we talked about all of it she said she doesnt want me to move on she sees us having a relationship later and she said she still loves me and cares for me but she said that we prob. IF we went back out it wouldnt be for a little bit meanin a few months like 3 months and its soooo hard for me (sry by the way we broke up cuz of fighting to much and her feelings changing) but anyways i dont no what to do if i should move on cuz she doesnt no what she wants but she sees us having a relationship later on....do u think she is saying she doesnt want me too move on cuz she likes the feeling of someone likein her and wanting her or do u think she might really want me back and can see us together....at the end of the night after dinner we kissed goodnight maybe not a good idea but o well....and once in a while we will be hanging out and get intimate....anyways im sry for soo long of a thing i just dnot no what to think or do what do all u have to say any advice on what to do or think/what would u do? thx

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I don't think you should hang out together once in a while and get intimate. That will just string you along, drag things out and increase your anxiousness about the future.


Take the break and the space. No one can tell you if it will work out in the future but I think the best chance of that happening is if you stay away from her for now. See how she responds after a break for a while.

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