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am i a selfish butthole?

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i have been called a butthole today by my family and friends. they say that i am selfish and rude. i say what's on my mind but i consider myself to be a nice guy. most of the time i'm joking. but i guess they don't see it like that.


Sometimes saying what's on one mind out right can be offending to others. It doesn't mean that you should not be yourself but taking into consideration of others feelings is something that everyone should try.

I also feel saying things as they are on ones mind without careful consideration of whether that comment is appropriate or not only shows a persons idiocy and lack of maturity.

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Your intentions are probably not to hurt others with your jokes. But sometimes some people either still take offense or they don't realize it's a joke.


I guess this is just one of those things where you have to think about what you say, and who might take offense to it before you say it.

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Often who "we" think we are is very different to who other people think we are.


If other people are actually telling you the you are that way you should take notice. You may not mean to be that way but for others to verbalise their negative thoughts on you I think means you are not coming accross as you think you are.

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