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ok so basically me and my ex of 6 months had a realllyy bad break up 6 months ago.. and havnt been on speaking terms since.. and for the first few months i've been pressuring her and she needed space and it took me a few months and for her to be reallyy harsh to me to realise she really needed me to back off. so i did very Limited Contact for about 2 months now.. Eventhuogh I've really gone through a lot just to be friends and have emailed her several times throughout the few months and told her i'm completely over her and she should just forgive and forget.. until it got to the point where she explained everything. How she doesnt hate me she doesnt think im a * * * * or anything and wants me to have a nice life but doesnt wanna be in it for the moment.. basically she doesnt think oh god there he is the little idiot.. its more like *grooannn* like im some really hard science coursework.. lool and she admitted shes being stupid and selfish and shes sure im a nice normal person again but she just didnt want anything to do with me..


i then told my friend to tell her to unblock me on msn to discuss the emails and she can block me again afterwards. She unblocked me and we discussed the problems of trying to be friends etc. and i obviously won the argument.. so she was like okokok we're on speaking terms.. but we talked den i started sayin i was a bit busy and didnt talk very much.. and den i stopped talkin and after 5 -10 minutes she was like 'before u can decide im blankin you or not you should try talking to me!' and she was being quite friendly when she did talk to me.. but i dont no what to do coz i still like her and i'm wanting her back. not now but in the future maybe like months from now..


should i start by talkin to her a lot and ask everything i've always wanted to ask like hows her family and stuff?.. or would she just think im not over her yet.. and that we're goin to fast in this friendship thing?.. because we havnt talked in ages... and we're not really talkin in school just smilin at eachother when we walk past.. i think because she doesnt want to grab too much attention from her friends like omg shes talkin to him again.. and stuff because soo many bad things have happened between us after the break up..


but i really wanna talk to her normally as a friend coz i doo really miss her.. im not sure what to do?.. plz help thanx!!


btw sorry im not very articulate right now im just really tired lol

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Let her go, move on, and start talking to other girls. Accept that it's over and that's she's most likely not interested in getting back together. Practice NC and cut her out of your life like she cut you out of hers. Why do you want to stay friends with someone who has treated you like she has? Don't be the puppy dog wussy guy who is so desperate to stay in her life you are willing to accept any scraps she throws your way. Have the strength to let her go and have the foresight to look for new dating opportunities.

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thanx for ur replies guys but i really wanna talk to her as a friend too as i used to love her loads and we used to be really close to eachother and she is actually being quite friendly when talkin to me when she does talk to me on msn.. i also want to talk to her so she's reminded why she liked me in the first place?.. im reallynot willing to try and get back with her right now but gain my friendship back to how it was before.. and see wher it goes from there?

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