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It feels like the first week after the break up

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I contacted my ex after 6wks of NC. I contacted to ask her for a second chance for our relationship, but she said "no". I feel depressed and sad again just like the first week. I did it to find out if there was hope. I think it was mistake that I contacted her. I feel bad and it has set me back on the progress that I made. I am so stupid. ](*,) I was moving on but I have to start again. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am so mad at my self. I just needed to vent .....

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You will get over it.


After a relationship with my ex that lasted a year, we decided to have a "break" and come back 6 months down the track and try again.


It was so hard i can tell you that, for about the first month. Then i got over it.


6 months down the track he called, wanting to get back together, but i wouldn't. I remembered how things were when we were together, and that if he loved me enough the first time around, he wouldn't have done what he did.


So in my opinion, you need to let her go. If she doesn't want to get back together now, i wouldn't hold on. Try to forget the relationship you had. If she wan't you she will come back, but don't go chasing.


Good luck with it all, and i hope you have the strength to move on.

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You didn't screw up. You did it to find and answer and you got it. Not the answer you wanted but an answer nonetheless. No more wondering about it and delaying the healing process because of it. And now you can really start moving on, right?


It's been my experience, that after situations like this, the initial shock of rejection fades rather quickly...so you aren't really starting all over...

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