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weight loss yo yo! get me off this roller coaster

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i dont have a hard time loosing weight but keeping it off

i guess i never transition from loss to maintain state

i lost 80 lbs and gained back 60 - lost 40 gained 10 - lost 20 - gained back 50!

i dont know what to do but this has been over the past 2 years.


overall i went from a high of 186 to a low of 122 to now at 158


i think about this all day and its a source of a majority of my pain/bad feelings

i dont think i have had a slice of cake or ice cream without jealousy since i was 12


there is never a time i am not embarking or ending a diet - but after the loss gain cycles it sucks up your motivation and sometimes i just let myself go for 2 weeks and binge and then freak out when a event is coming and work it off

i want to maintain a healthy weight of 140 for a LONG time

i just dont feel motivated anymore. also i am all out of diets and fed up of doing it right and yo yoing on the "doing it the right way" programme.


i guess i need motivation more than anything since i already know i am capable of loosing weight the right way!

does anyone know of good diet progress sites or forums that they belong to or can recommend.

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I think that you should look at weight loss not as a goal, but a lifestyle. Once you're in the right "zone," you should keep it around there for the rest of your life. Don't starve yourself with only healthy food and then go crazy with junk food. Eat everything you want, just dont' eat heaping portions of everything. Exercise, but you don't have to do crazy cardio either, walking or jogging or swimming or whatever is fine. You can say that I'm just saying it and it's easier said than done, but that's how I keep the pounds off, and while my weight fluctuates a bit as every woman's weight does, it makes me happy. This is what works for me, and experiment with diff. methods, you'll find the right cycle/tempo, etc. and you'll be happy.

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I'm with what altosinger314 says.


I don't think you don't need another 'diet' fad, you need a new lifestyle. I really don't believe in miracle 'diets' etc. They have got me nowhere (apart from yo-yoing weight)


You need to be eating a healthy balanced diet and be getting some good solid exercise. Allow yourself to have 'naughty foods' every now and again. If you restrict them completely 1) You're more likely to binge at some point 2) That isn't a realistic way of eating for the rest of your life, is it?

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