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Why do women cause men so much confusion

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I like this girl and i think that she likes me and i would like to ask her out but can't think of the right way to ask her, she has to repeat grade 9 because of some personal problems and i'm going into grade 12 last year of highschool does that seem weird that i like a girl 3 years younger than me?? So how should i make my approach? Straight up? letter? phone call? what should i ask her, i mean she is a great girl with alot of wonderful qualities and i can't imagine life without her so if anyone know's any successfull tips on asking a girl out and what to say and how plz let me know



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first of all, make a friendship, that's what all good relationships are. second, just ask her if she's interested, and if yes, just be straight up with her. 3 years isn't a big deal, as long as her parents are ok with it. the only big problem I can think of would be if you're going away for college. long distance relationships rarely work out. a lot of the time, it's just to much work for both people to take. there aren't really many tips to be successful when you ask someone out, just shower, and be romantic, romanticism is the best part of a relationship.


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remember, when you're in a relationship, treat the other person the best you can, because, when it's all said and done, they're gone, all you'll ever have, is how well you treated them


--- added from a next post (SwingFox) ---

Also to be fair, men cause jsut as much confusion to women as we do to them....

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