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She sais she Loves me, but doesn't want relationship despite all I gave her last year

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I suggest move on. If you gave your heart and soul to this girl, and all she can think about is her career and if her 'boyfriend' is treating her right, than she isn't much of a girlfriend. I am sure you still deeply care about her, but when she doesn't really return your feelings for her, than what kind of a relationship is that? Move on. You deserve better.

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Time to move on, doesn't seem like she wants to get all serious nor commited. At the same time, I do agree that her career is more important, who wouldn't want to be something in life? I'm going to college and my major is psychology, but she also need to use some of her free time on you. I mean, you are her b/f, she agree to commit with you. If not, then why on earth did she agree to be b/f and g/f in the first place??

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it's her loss then. if u disappear a little, maybe she'll miss your absense. also, 24 is not such a mature age. some girls are still bratty and immature at that age. careerist women somehow often end up old maids. let her do some input in your one-sided relationship. if people love each other, talk it over, work it out. otherwise, move on

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I am very sorry this had to happen to you. SHe does not seem like she cares. She does not consider your feelings and that is very bad for a relationship. Though you might love her, she might not love you the same way. Moving on might be the best thing. You can not wait around for somebody who does not appreciate you and does not consider your feelings. You deserve somebody who will go out the way for you the same way you do for them.

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I agree with all that has been said, but sounds like I'm making her out to be a bad person but she's not, she is just soooo pre-occupied with her work and her career that she doesn't want the stress of a boyfriend who worries and moans all the time. She is a good girl, the kind of person I'd want my own daughter to become, and she did do a lot for me, she stood by me when I was on the re-bound from my previous relationship, spoke in glowing terms about me to her family and friends. She is not a bad person, mayby just too used to getting her own way, and lacking in "relationship experience" (there is 10 years between us and I'm NOT 14 lol). She may mature, i don't know. If I loose her, its like all I did last year was for nothing...she's my little thai baby, im her boyfriend, her best friend, her brother and her daddy all thrown at once (her father died recently). If i leave her, am I abandoning her ? i'm so confused. If I ask her all this, she'll just get moody again.

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She gets worse


On Sunday she texted me wanting to play Pool on Yahoo Messenegr. She was 2 hours late getting online, we had our game of pool and she then kept me waiting while se ran back and forth to watch the TV.

She then told me she really loved me and I was the nicest person she had ever met and she would never find anyone like me.


What is she playing at ????

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If you don't leave her, you're abandoning yourself.


To be honest, I don't think you like or care about yourself very much. Why should she?.


What is she playing at ????


You keep asking this, seems you really don't want to take the rose coloured glasses off. She's treating you like a doormat... and YOU'RE letting her.


Actions speak louder than words.

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