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Jealousy part 1,000,000

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Hello everyone I need a good vent again...Well Its been about a year with my girlfriend and its been the best year of my life with her. Well when we first started dating everything was cool and I rarely got jealous. Well as of late Ive been getting worst and worst it feels. It all basically started cuz of the website MYSPACE. I didnt really like how she put all of her pictures on there and then about a week ago I read that she had posted this thing that said "If you had me locked in a room for a whole day and we could do whatever you wanted with me what would you do?" At first I was kidna mad cuz It just sounded bad to me then I read some of the responses she had gotten. Most of them were from guys who were saying that they would do her and stuff. And then I also saw the she was saying things back like "ooo really" "Wink" and stuff. Well I got pretty mad and I told her that If she wanted to keep dating me she would have to get rid of MYSPACE. I said this because it kept causing me so much stress with the comments she left on there. Well she got rid of it and now her and all of her friends think im the worst guy ever. She constantly now tells me that I was wrong for telling her to get rid of MYSPACE and that Im controlling. I know it was probly really bad for what I did but I just feel that I was tired of this stress on our relationship from MYSPACE (even if it all was caused in my own head.) Did I do the right thing? Am I a terrible boyfriend? I feel as if my actions are going to cause me to lose the best thing in my life... Sorry for this being so long it just feels so good! Also lately ive been worried when she gets online that she is flirting with other guys. i donno i think ive officially lost my mind if theres any tips you guys might be able to share on how to not be so jealous it would be greatly appreciated! THANKS SO MUCH FOR LISTENING



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Yeah, about that...Myspace has been getting to the level of the pink-light district of the internet...you know, almost soft-core porn.


You were right to talk to her about it and now I think she's turning it against you, saying that you're controlling. If I did that, I'm sure my significant other would be against it, too. I'm fine with flirting, but these online things can escalate easily...and online cheating is still cheating.

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i went throught the EXACT same thing with my EX....but she was stubborn and refused to delete it so i just made one myself. MYSPACE was the cause soooo many fights it wasnt even funny. She always had the urge to get friendly with other guys and thats a huge part of why were not together anymore.........we weere together for a year to

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