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I Gave Up All My Friends For Her

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I Gave Up All My Friends For Her i went out wiv her a while ago but it was a hoax to make someone jeolus i keep asking her out and she says no were good friends she knows i love her. wat should i do

Wait theres more every frieday we meet up and she masturbate me and makes me get my penis out but she wount let me masturbate her

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Oh my lord, you're 12 years old and your performing sexual acts in each others presense? Be careful!


You don't need a relationship like this, especially at your age. You should never give up your friends for anyone, especially for a girl. She should like you for who you are, not who you hang with. Firstly you should never ever go out without someone as a dare or whatever. I remember this kind of thing when I was your age.


I highly suggest if you love this girl and value her as a friend you should stop complicating things with sex etc. Firstly find out were you stand with this girl and how she feels about you.

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She doesn't sound very nice, is this the kind of person you'd like to spend time with? She's selfish, she's taken you away from your friends, and she's not giving you anything back (I'm not talking sexually here, but in terms of friendships, companionship etc). What are you getting out of this?


I'd steer clear of her, and get back with your friends.

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Dude, I suggest you really look at the situation. Is it lust? Or like?


Be careful and be smart about it. You may just think you like her and that she likes you because she makes you "feel" good.


Sounds to me like you are both at a place in life where a lot of things are changing fast and that can be a bit confusing. Try to clear your head, take a step back and really look at what is going on.

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You are young. It's natural that you would like this girl and want to be with her. It's also natural that you would be curious and masterbating with each other. However, you should also know that no girl is worth leaving your friends over. This isnt a real relationship, this is the two of you playing and being curious together. This isn't love. You should stop doing this stuff with her.


And be careful about letting people touch you. If someone is, you tend to not be able to think straight. So go out with the girl first, make sure she likes you and this is serious before you even think of going further.

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