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How to hide an erection???

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ok every time im making out with my gurl and messing around i get really hard. when we do stuff 2gether we are usually in a small group of people. like we just are off to the side doing whatever. when we are done im really hard and u can totally tell i have a boner through my pants. i dont really mind if my gurl sees it cause well i dont. but i mean i dont want the other people seeing it cause theylljust make fun of me. they wont be really mean to me but i know they like kid around with the event for a while and i dont wanna be embarrassed. if one day my gurl wants to give me a hand job or something i dont want some weird stuff down there cause thatd be even worse. so how do i conceal my hard on so its hard to tell i have it. i really need some help. please if any of u guys know of ways that arent painful and work well please tell me.

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Yaa, i think that briefs can help hold it closer to ur body, so when ur aroused, u can safely adjust it upwardly so nobody can recognize whats going on...haha..


also, wear baggy pants, as well as a big oversized shirt..then u will definitely be squared away...now if u have probs after this, then i have no further suggestions haha...





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