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Pregnant in 8th grade whats wrong here?

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Im 14 never failed... never had sex... "a" student... what went wrong? I'll tell ya plain and FLAT... PEER PRESSURE... P-e-e-r P-r-e-s-s-u-r-e!!!! My friend went to a party and had sex with her boyfriend... and then my other Friend did too! I felt out of the group and so I did... Guess WHAT? OH man you guessed it... IM PREGNANT! Once only ONCE!!!!!!!!! Thats all it takes. I've figured for months I was but keep having regular periods thats what blew me away! Then i started having morning sickness 1 months after I did the BIG NASTy... and said GREAT i know what this is from but I kept having periods. Then my friend Angel (nickname) found out she was pregnant and said she had an extra pregnancy test and gave it to me. I took it at her party and fell to tears and apart. I went into a depressed point in January a month after I found out. Im six months today and have a doctors appt. on the 7th of this month so we'll see what im having. Im so young the baby is going to be small and thats why its taken a lil longer to find out what im having. Im hardly even showing. My parents know, his parents know, he knows, my friends know, my teachers know, and Next month i have to go to this young mothers class on campus. Guess what he doesnt have to because he was just the sperm donor.(figure of speech) Any light you may want to shed on this be free to critisize me any way you want its nothin new.

Aimee Carmichael ](*,)

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Wow, that really sucks. I'm sorry you have to go through this at such an early age.


How are your parents?

Is the father planning on being part of your baby's life?

Are you planning on keeping your baby?


I know it must be very hard for you at such an early age to be going through this and living with the responsibility, but I think it's important for you to be strong through this all. You have all the support and all of the resources open and available to you. You can still finish school and have a future if you want to.


I don't feel a need to critisize you. You know you made a mistake you're facing up to the consequences, which is more than most people can boast.

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Hi Aimee-


Welcome to ENA!


Jesus, Aimee, the only thing I can think to tell you is that what happened to you, happened for a reason. Couples try to conceive for years and don't, and others such as yourself, get pregnant the first time... I've heard many strange stories of conception/non-conception over the years and I personally believe there is more to it than just luck...


I would say look at bringing new life into the world as a blessing, because it is. Your life and the lives of your parent's will change no doubt, but this is your life now and you can live your own life and love and nurture a child as well...it will just take a lot more work...


Good luck, I sincerely wish the best for you, your family, and your child Aimee...

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I was friends with a girl who got pregnant when we were 14. She was the youngest mother in my class and it wasn't easy for her. She stuck at it though, stayed in school, went on to college. I got pregnant at a young age too, 18, so I know to a degree how tough it is. Are your parents willing to help? I hope you have a good support system. It takes a lot of strength to be a young mother but it can be done and it can be done well.

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Hi Aimee and welcome to enotalone!


Sorry that this is what brought you here though.


What kind of support systems do you have? Are your parents being supportive of this?


How about the father- does he plan to be involved? What do his parents say?

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Aimee, this might not be what you planned on or wanted, but it doesn't make you a bad person or is reason to be mad at yourself. That is in the past, lets think about the present and future. What are your plans? Are your parents being supportive? How about the father?


Sorry to unload with all the questions. This must be a difficult time for you and we are here for you if you need any support or advice. And while you are young and there will be complications and sacrifices to be made in the future, you can get through this. You can have a beautiful baby and be a good mother. I wish you all the best.

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HI aimee. I just want to let you know that you are in alot better shape as you think. I didn't have the courage like you did. I got pregnant about a year ago. At this time my baby would've been 3 months old. That's right WOULD'VE been. I couldn't go through with it. I had no support systems at all. I already experienced the hardships of supporting myself, putting myself through college, faced with relationship struggles and all in all, because hormones and feelings took charge, I didn't go through with it. Friscodj is right ya no? There are so many couples out there hapily married, who would give anything to have a child of their own or to take in the perfect one for adoption. I didn't explore those options. I thought either keeping it or giving it away would be too hard so I aborted it and nothing in the world is more harder than living with yourself after that. You are so young and have so much to learn but I have to say I look up to you bc you are doing the right thing. Whether you keep it or not, you are giving life, and that alone is a gift that child will never take for granted. I wish you lots of luck.

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Hi amiee, Im erica and would like you to know im here too because not only am i young im pregnant too. Im due in Late June early july... Im excited to see your not giving away your baby... Im also keeping mine. Im having a girl, too. I would have liked a boy but alot of people lately here have been having boys so im going to have a beautiful girl they can all fight over when there older... LOL. I really dont care what it was as long as its healthy... Im always here and so is everyone else when you need someone to talk to!!



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