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I just need to write this down......I don't know if anyone can give me any advice that will help--if you think you can, please do......I am so crushed I can hardly function. My relationship with my boyfriend is spiraling down to the end. It's dying a slow death. It's killing me. We have become strangers. What once was so wonderful is now something cold and ugly. I am devastated. And now I just want it to be over. It's so painful to be around him (what little time we spend together), that I don't even want to see him. We used to spend everyday together. Now, maybe once or twice a week we see each other. Sex was such a great part of our relationship. Now it is practically nonexsistent. I think he may be seeing someone else. I asked, but of course he says no. I am afraid to end it. Don't want to be alone I suppose. I am trying to untangle myself from his life. He pushed so hard to tangle me up and now I am somewhat stuck. I hurt so bad. And I feel so alone. I want it to end........I'm afraid for it to end. It was so good. It was so damn good. And now it's just a little slice of hell. God I just wish the pain would stop. My guts hurt................

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Well, it seems obvious what you should do. You say you hate the relationship and your obviousey not enjoying it. Yet you say you don't wan't to end it because you don't want to be lonely. It seems to me your already lonely I mean you hardly see him at all now, I would say thats being lonely.


Alternitively you could try a break and see if youactualy miss him and stilllove him or not.


And the sad fact of the matter is he probably feels the same way about your relationship as you do. This MAY or MAY NOT have driven him tocheating. But it is always a strong possibility. Also have you tried discussing all the issues such as sex with him.


I hope the pain ends soon.



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I've tried to talk to him about all of this......he pretty much blows me off by saying nothings changed. And it is so obvious that he is so much happier when he's not around me. He's so upbeat a cheerful on the phone, but get him to my house (where he used to spend everyday), and he is distant and can't wait to get the hell out of there. Not many I love you's anymore either. I know I need to move on..........I just don't know how to do it. Fear paralyzes me.

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I've tried to talk to him about all of this......he pretty much blows me off by saying nothings changed. And it is so obvious that he is so much happier when he's not around me. He's so upbeat a cheerful on the phone, but get him to my house (where he used to spend everyday), and he is distant and can't wait to get the hell out of there. Not many I love you's anymore either. I know I need to move on..........I just don't know how to do it. Fear paralyzes me.


It sure sounds like this one is done then...sorry...


You just have to end it and not look back...he's probably feeling the same way you describe here...

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I truly understand your fear, about how to go about parting ways . I am your age, and have now been broken up with my EX BF for two months now. Its just something that you have to come to a realization on, about moving on , and doing what is best for you. I was the one that decided it was time to move on in my relationship. It was difficult, but every one here on the site, was so supportive and helpful, and it helped me to realize what I needed to do. Follow your instincts, your gut feeling, your intuition on this. It sounds like you really need to part from this man and start working on what it takes to make you happy again. I understand completely the fear of being alone again. I was afraid to end it to, but I knew down deep inside myself, that I would be ok , and just needed to do it and get it behind me. You can PM me anytime or email me. take care.

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