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The story beings last thrusday. I went to a bar and meet a girl, we kicked it off great and I got her phone number at the end of the night. I called her Saturday afternoon to see if she would want to grab something to eat that night. She answered her phone and after I told her who it was she seemed really excitied. She told me she was at her home town, which is true because it is Mardi Gras break becuase I go to college in Louisiana. So I asked her if she would want to go do something next Friday, she paused for a second and said "yea". She then told me she was about to go jogging and that I should call her later.


I didn't call her that sameday because I spent the rest of that day at a Mardi Gras parade. But I called her the next day, Sunday, and she didn't pick up. So I waited till today, Monday, to call so I could make small talk and get to know her better. She didn't answer again. I haven't left a message ethier time because I never leave messages for anyone unless its important, I'm werid I know.


So right now its Monday night, and a part of me wants to give up on this girl, but then I don't want to, because physically shes everything I want, and from what I've seen so far she seems to have a lot of the same interests as me. One of my friends told me that I she just give her a call Thursday because she might be doing a lot of family stuff, and she'll be back on campus Wednesday night.


Is this girl playing games with me or is she just no interested, or could she really be doing family stuff?


I know it's been 3 days since I meet the girl and their are others girls, but I don't wanna give up so easily. Should I leave her a message telling her "If she's interested to call me back, if she's not interested then don't call me back and that way I'll at least know?"


I'm so confused and I don't know what to do, I wanna call her again tomorrow but I don't wanna seem desperate. If ya'll could give me some advice that would be great.



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It's only been a few days. It is very possible she can be doing family stuff, but she could also just be with friends or at the library or a whole array of other things people do with their time. In two days, especially during a vacation, you can't just assume somebody doesn't want to hear from you.

If she seemed happy to hear from you the first time, I'm sure she'll be happy to hear from you again, but she won't know that you're calling her if you're not leaving messages when she's not there.


IMO, you're over-analyzing this. Just call, leave a simple message and give her your number to call you back.

Nothing big. "Hey, it's ___; just getting back to you on those plans for next Friday. Give me a call at XXX-XXXX and we can arrange something."

Something like that. No fancy speeches, nothing weird. Concise. Simple. To the point, and you won't seem desperate at all. Just interested

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Yea your probaly right seko. I'm gonna wait till Thursday like my friend said to call her and ask her if she is still up for doing something Friday. And if she doesn't answer I'll leave a message like you mentioned, and if she doesn't call back I'll take that as she isn't interested in me.


Thanks for help seko, much appreciated.

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