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This is tough for me...

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Hi, I'm posting under a different name because of embarresment reasons. This forum has got me through alot, but I really need some support and advice now because I do not know anyone else I could talk to about this.

Here is my situation... At the age of 18 I started losing my hair, it was becoming visable and my grandpa had severe hair loss when he was young. My close friends started making comments. It was terrible, I was so depressed. I am a decent looking guy, and always had attractive girlfriends. I started taking proscar to help the situaiton and since my hair loss has basically stopped. It has really changed and saved my life. Here is the problem. I am now 20 and this is not a hair loss question at all. The drug proscar has affected my sex life. I do not get the same strength erections and sometimes have a hard time getting a erection at all. This is really tough. I am starting to date a new girl and she is extremely good looking. I can really see myself with her. We are not yet sexually active but I can see that happening between us soon. Before this, I have gone to my local nutrition store and got over the counter male health pills and they have helped somewhat. I want to get help from a doctor but I am afraid. I do not liek my family doctor because he is such good friends with my family and I am uncomfortable talking to him. I am also afraid if I tell him he will take me off the proscar. This really sucks for me and is embarresing, thats why I came here. What do you guys think I should do?

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IT sounds like at your age, probably the only problem you are having is from the Proscar. I read that it can cause decreased libido, decreased ejaculate, and impotence.

I know you are concerned about your hair loss, and that if you come off the meds that your hair will continue to come out. I guess all guys are different about the hair loss thing. My brother also starting losing his hair at a young age when he was 20 and it didnt bother him. But I also know a few guys that are now losing hair in their 40's and its disturbs them greatly. I know alot of girls that like the shaved head look, and find it quite sexy.

The best thing I suppose would be to see a doctor and run it by him.

It may come down to making a choice between having the ability to have great sex, and lose some hair, OR keep your hair and have a limited sex life.

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Read this, in my opinion there are other options which have less side effects. But this is directly related to your problem. You need to talk to your doctor, he will not discuss this with anyone in your family. You are 20 years old and discussing this with a family member is not an option for him and he knows this. Vanity for virility? You are not Samson, your hair does not possess special powers!










finasteride (fih NAH steh ride)

Propecia, Proscar


What is the most important information I should know about Proscar?


• Women who are or who may must not handle crushed or broken Proscar tablets. The could be absorbed through the skin. Proscar is known to cause in a developing male baby. Exposure to whole tablets should be avoided whenever possible, however exposure to whole tablets is not expected to be harmful as long as the tablets are not swallowed.


What is Proscar?


• Proscar prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT is involved in the development of (BPH) and .• Proscar is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). Finasteride is also used to reduce hair loss due to male pattern baldness.• Proscar may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.



What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Proscar?


• Before taking this medication, tell your if you have liver disease. You may not be able to take Proscar, or you may need a lower dose or special monitoring during treatment.• Proscar is intended for use by men only.• Proscar is not indicated for use by women. Do not take or handle this medication if you are or are could become pregnant during treatment. Proscar is in the FDA pregnancy category X. This means that it is known to cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Women who are or who may become pregnant must not handle crushed or broken Proscar tablets. The medication could be absorbed through the skin. Proscar is known to cause birth defects in a developing male baby. Exposure to whole tablets should be avoided whenever possible, however exposure to whole tablets is not expected to be harmful as long as the tablets are not swallowed.• It is not known whether Proscar passes into breast milk. Proscar is not intended for use by women. Do not take this medication if you are breast-feeding a baby.


How should I take Proscar?


• Take Proscar exactly as directed by your doctor. If you do not understand these instructions, ask your pharmacist, nurse, or doctor to explain them to you.• Take each dose with a full glass of water.• Proscar can be taken with or without food.• It is important to take Proscar regularly to get the most benefit.• Your doctor may perform blood tests or other forms of monitoring during treatment with Proscar. One of the tests that may be performed is called PSA (prostate-specific antigen). This test is used to help detect . Proscar will reduce the amount of PSA measured in the blood. Your doctor is aware of this effect and can still use PSA to help detect prostate cancer.• Store this medication at room temperature away from moisture and heat.


What happens if I miss a dose?


• Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the dose you missed and take only the next regularly scheduled dose. Do not take a double dose unless otherwise directed.


What happens if I overdose?


• Seek emergency medical attention if an overdose is suspected.• Symptoms of a Proscar overdose are not known.


What should I avoid while taking Proscar?


• There are no restrictions on food, beverages, or activities during treatment with Proscar unless your doctor directs otherwise.


What are the possible side effects of Proscar?


• Stop taking Proscar and seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives).• Other, less serious side effects have been reported but usually resolve with continued treatment. Continue to take Proscar and notify your doctor if you experience ·decreased libido (sex drive); ·decreased volume of ejaculate; ·impotence (trouble getting or keeping an erection); or ·breast tenderness or enlargement.• Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.


What other drugs will affect Proscar?


• There are no known interactions between Proscar and other medications. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines, including vitamins, minerals, and herbal products.


Where can I get more information?


• Your pharmacist has additional information about Proscar written for health professionals that you may read.• Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use this medication only for the indication prescribed.• Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided by Cerner Multum, Inc. ('Multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. Drug information contained herein may be time sensitive. Multum information has been compiled for use by healthcare practitioners and consumers in the United States and thereforeeee Multum does not warrant that uses outside of the United States are appropriate, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Multum's drug information does not endorse drugs, diagnose patients or recommend therapy. Multum's drug information is an informational resource designed to assist licensed healthcare practitioners in caring for their patients and/or to serve consumers viewing this service as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgment of healthcare practitioners. The absense of a warning for a given drug or drug combination in no way should be construed to indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective or appropriate for any given patient. Multum does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information Multum provides. The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drugs you are taking, check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

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Hi, thanks for the responses.


I have read the facts on proscar more then once. At my age I am too self conscience about myself. I know that people judge others by how they look. That is just how society is, especially at my age. I also know that if I were as bald as my grandfather (he went bald at a very young age) I would not be meeting a special girl like this. I know you'll say that I would meet someone anyways and that I should go for a girl that doesn't rely on looks, but it is also about confidence. I know other guys my age that have gone bald and some of them just shave their heads and looks fine and their happy, but for others it completely destroys their confidence. Having conidence makes life more enjoyable. I have also looked into medications for this problem and I really think they would help. My ideal situation would be that I talk to my doctor and he UNDERSTANDS what I'm going through and lets me try out something such as viagra. I have heard of young men using these pills also. I really wish I was not so self conscience. Vanity for virility? You have to understand it tough for me at this age.

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I understand fully as a cancer survivor who lost his hair, sex drive and many other things. I'm only saying that your physical health is more important than vanity. I know at 20 that's hard to understand but I also know that if you are self conscious about being bald, it will show. Confidence is the key here and you just need to find it. I would think only a shallow woman would refuse to date you because of a receding hairline or being at the early stages of going bald. Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you have many great qualities.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have a lot of advice but I guess I would think you could just go to a different doctor and if you live in a small town go to a surrounding area town. Then you have nothing to worry about with this info getting to your family or friends.

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