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hard neck kissing


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Ok. I saw my gf one last time before taking some time apart. I thought she was just doing it for me. so i couldnt get into it. But all of a sudden she starts sucking my neck REALLY HARD. and keeps doing it. Im like why are you doing that? and she looks confused and says i dont know. What is that? Is she marking me?? the time apart was her idea.

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It doesnt feel real. But i am moving on on my own. I think she will call in a couple weeks probs because she misses me. But i will go NC with her. But yah i love her to death and shes my first. I wish i could spend the rest of my life with her. But i am not gonna wait around for her. Hopefully shell figure out she wants me back before i figure out i dont. Relationship is 3 1/2 years btw.

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Taking time apart is emotional. Part of her still wants to be with you. So she reacted by getting emotional and passionate. It's like in movies when you see a sad moment with two people leaving each other for a time. They embrace and give one last loving kiss. So even though she thinks you guys need the time apart, part of her is reluctant to let go.


I hope everything works out with you two.

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She sees this as time to herself. And she says she can see us together "down the road" and that we need time apart. But she seemed so strong I was so sure she was just moving on her own and perfectly fine with it until she did that. It was like one last lust that she couldnt control. So her feelings arent exactly what she says? She says she doenst want to worry about any one sept herself and school because its distracting. Then why would she do that? A part of her still wants in this relationship and shes fighting it? Or is she saving that love for later and giving me a subconscious reassurance that she will come back.

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You're going to have a hard time figuring out what she meant by the kiss, because she doesn't even know herself most likely. Right now she probably does think that time apart is best, that she needs to be on her own and not think about relationships. But you can't know about the future. Maybe the two of you will end up together, down the road. If you both believe it can happen, you can make it happen. When you love someone, you always love them even if you can't be together. She's probably just as confused as you are, part of her wondering if this is right and regretting having to make this choice. As strong as she appears, there is some level of doubt. But she knows that she has to do this for herself right now. If you are meant to be, it will work out. It will hurt for both of you. Take some time to feel sad. Put your energy into something else to help you deal with all the emotions you will feel.

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the thing is right now i dont feel sad. Im confused it all seems temporary. Up until that moment i was ready to move one and just see what happens. but then she did that. And she kept saying kiss me kiss me make love to me stuff like that. But up to that point she was distant and woulndt hold my hand or anything. But when we got into it it was liek she let go of herself to show how she really felt. I can move on just fine. But it still feels like shes there. Is thi sbetter or worse for me. Because i dont feel the breakup heartache. It feels like an unknown ammount of time to ecentually be together again.

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Your confusion is perfectly fine. Anyone would be confused if she totally changed on you all of a sudden. I think that too often we worry about how we should be feeling and if it is good or bad for us to feel that way. Instead we should see there is no right or wrong way we should be feeling. Our feelings are what they are. If you don't feel hurt, and are still hopeful, thats fine and you should go with it. Follow your heart where it takes you. A girl did something similar to me. We "broke up" online and in the same conversation she said it was over, said she loved me for the first time. I was hurt. But mainly I was just confused. If you love me, why call things off? And no matter how many people tried to tell me to forget her and move on, I wasn't ready for that. I still believed it was a matter of time before we were together. We aren't together now, but that doesn't mean it can't work for you. Follow your heart. One of two things will happen. One, you'll end up together again. Two, there will come a time when he just don't feel that anymore and are ready to go out with someone else. Either way, just go with the feelings. Thats what you need right now.

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Yah up to then i thought we were meant to be. But not now. But after she did that its like shes showing how she really feels and its a matter of time before she stops fighting herself. But i had such a good day today. So im quite confused as in why im not sad. She ended it break//breakup w/e But I just feel like shes coming back. But im doing my best to keep happy but i feel no pain at all just confusion. Its akward

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