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getting dumped out of nowhere...

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hey everyone... this is my first post and im glad i found this site so i can get some advice.


anyways... i was going out with my g/f for 4 months...she's 18 and im 20 everything for goin great... i went to her senior prom with her... then she invited me to go to florida w/ her and two of her friends... then 2 days after we get back from florida she breaks it off saying that she doesnt have feelings for me anymore... it pretty much came out of nowhere... i thought i finally found a great girl and then this happens... i dont wanna give up on her yet


what should i do? i want to get her back... or is this just a lost cause and should i move on?... anyways im confused as hell and dont know what to do... i want her back and need some good advice



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I have always found in that past that if someone doesn't have it for you, they just don't have it for you. To keep pursuing that issue is to put yourself in a very painful situation.


Move forward. It's over. If she TELLS you different then it isn't, but she has told you. You can't make or hope someone will feel different than they do; no more so than you can take a pee for someone else. No matter how hard you wish something, it won't make it so.


Save yourself heartache, and if someone tells you it's over. It's over. Don't try to figure it out. You can be the greatest guy in the world, and she might be saying to herself....this guy...he's the greatest guy in the world, why can't I feel more for him. She can't make herself feel something that just isn't there either.


Just my opinion.



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So the trip went fine?


Interesting that she invited you then dumped you *after* the trip. Usually, when this kind of thing happens, women dump you before, go on the trip and get laid.


"What happens on the road STAYS on the road!" - remember that rule!


Keep your pride. Don't chase her.

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Hey, do not feel bad I just broke up with my girlfriend as well. Except mine may not be as hopeless as yours you see when I broke up she called me on the phone and said that some people said that it would be best that we just broke up, now her being the "believe everything" type she took it as straight counsel and did what they said. She also said that we were two different people (meaning we have nothing in common) and that we did not know each other enough. Now I do not think she lied because she liked me after that I could tell because her eyes still lit up when she saw me and she also smiled at me every time she saw me but what bothers me the most is that the last time she made contact with me like 4 weeks ago she said she was grounded and I have not heard from her since. She might have found someone else already. I do not want to give up on her but I am going to give up and find someone else. In fact I have found another girl. But anyways my advice to you is to move. Just like that other guy said: "whats done is done" I have taken that advice and I think you should too. I mean there are others........ 8)

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well all i really think that you can do at this point with this girl is ask her if you two can still be good friends and ask her why her feelings for you just floated away and why, ask her if there is another guy and if the reason is that or better, i would move on.


good luck



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