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what is he trying to say?

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hey everyone!

most of you know my situation, i have asked many times before, well last night i thought of another example and well iw as wondering what IS he trying to say?

so one day i was at joes house,and he knew his lil bro had a crush on me, and well he kept comin down and bein like celci i need help on my playstation, and joe would smile at me, and be like he likes u! kinda bein a smart *** but to him not to me, u know what i mean? and well i was like later jake. and then he came down again, and was like please im stuck in a level, and joe like grabbed my ankle and tickeled my leg and stuff, cuz he knew jake liked me, then he came down again and was like comon celci i need h[/i]lp and joe would do the same thing and like pinch if u will my butt, and stuff! now he knows as well as me that i DONT like jake. so him pinching tickeling and grabbing my ankel, was that an excuse to dot hat to me? or was he just u kno messin around? i mean im so sure he likes me i just am not as outspoken as i want to be sometimes, and i cant straight up ask em and ill c him tomorrow cuz he just got back from vacation (3 monthes) please help! im in love! thanks!

celci 8)

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Hi Celci, well from this particular incident it is hard to say...

I think yes he does like you ...though teasing you can be both done in a friendly way....and in a flirty way. Just enjoy the time you have with him, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there if that is what you want!

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